HVAC Technician Schools in Seattle

To start an HVAC technician career in Seattle, Washington, is to become a professional in a field that plays a huge role in our daily lives. It is also indicative of high-level creative thinking and problem-solving skills.

Choosing the right training program is necessary for aspiring HVAC technicians in the city. However, with so many factors to consider when choosing a program, it can become challenging to do all these independently.

Below is a detailed outline of some of the top HVAC technology schools in and around Seattle, Washington. These entries have been chosen based on their comprehensive training and educational standards.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in Seattle

Future HVAC technicians in Seattle must graduate from high school with a diploma to start their careers. Those without a high school diploma may make use of a GED equivalent.

From there, the next step is to enroll in a training program. Candidates may choose an academic program or an apprenticeship. Either way, once they secure admission into a training program, they will have to receive a “trainee certificate” from the state by passing an exam and renewing their certificate yearly.

After graduating from a training program, they must also receive a contractor license from the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries to take on contracts. In Seattle, HVAC technicians must also receive a few specialty licenses, including a gas piping license, to work on fuel gas-related projects.

Top HVAC Technician Schools in Seattle, Washington

The following are some of the most prominent HVAC technician schools for interested individuals in Seattle to consider.

Bates Technical College

Bates Technical College offers an associate of applied science degree for aspiring HVAC technicians consisting of 110 credits. This program includes topics in HVAC fundamentals, tools and equipment, residential systems, and safety.

Students will also become familiar with how to carry out electrical troubleshooting, soldering and brazing, and thermal storage, among other topics. Candidates who wish to do something other than apply for the Associate of Applied Science program may also enroll in its Certificate of Competency program for support technicians. This program includes 99 credits.

PAHRA accredits the HVAC technology program at Bates Technical College.

Spokane Community College

Spokane Community College is another wonderful destination to receive an associate in applied science degree in HVAC/R. The program can be completed in 24 months and contains 123 credits.

Students will be able to receive not just classroom lectures but also practical training in a modern laboratory. Topics include fundamentals of electricity in HVAC technology, fundamentals of air conditioning and systems, performance testing, and safety and heat pump troubleshooting courses.

Those who complete the program can also qualify for the EPA’s Section 608 refrigerant handling license. Spokane Community College is accredited on an institutional level by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and University.

Explore Detailed Steps and Certification Requirements:

Perry Technical Institute

Perry Technical Institute in Yakima offers an HVAC technology program with 169 credits. It focuses on HVAC fundamentals, electric forced air heating, commercial refrigeration, and heating and cooling systems.

Approved by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, students admitted into the program will earn their degree and qualify for other industry certifications, such as the EPA 609 certification, OSHA safety, and the green mechanical systems and NATE certifications.

Clover Park Technical College

Through Clover Park Technical College’s HVAC technology programs, students earn a chance to graduate with a certificate or an associate of applied technology degree. Those who wish to apply for the certificate options have two alternatives – the first is the basic HVAC service technician certificate that can be completed in three quarters, while the second is the refrigeration specialist certificate that can be completed in four quarters.

Individuals interested in pursuing the associate of applied technology program will receive training for four quarters focusing on electrical motors, refrigeration controls, electrical circuits, advanced controls, troubleshooting, advanced theory, and advanced refrigeration, among others.

Seattle Area Pipe Trades Education Center

Established in 1968, the Seattle Area Pipe Trades Education Center has produced several graduates who have enjoyed high-quality programs under the tutelage of qualified instructors using modern facilities to teach crucial topics.

The school has as its mission a commitment to train upcoming trade professionals in popular fields that will allow them to grow and secure gainful employment.

The school offers an apprenticeship program in several areas, including commercial and residential plumbing and HVAC/Refrigeration. Approved by the Department of Labor and Industries, this program offers a straightforward path to acquiring important skills and starting a career on the right foot.

Students will learn to use HVAC/R diagnostic tools, employ modern practices, and become familiar with industry safety standards.

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