HVAC Technician Schools in Washington

There are many benefits to becoming an HVAC technician in Washington. It allows individuals to work in an excellent field with incredible job growth potential and demand.

Washington also boasts of being one of the highest-paying states for HVAC technicians nationwide. If you are an aspiring HVAC technician looking to start your career on the best possible path here, you have come to the right page.

Below, we dive into the steps involved in doing so, the licensing and certification requirements, top programs in the area, and the salary projection according to data obtained from HVAC technicians in the state.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in Washington

Below is the most optimal pathway to becoming an HVAC technician in Washington.

  • Fulfill Basic Requirements - To start a career as an HVAC technician in Washington, candidates must have a high school diploma or GED. They must also be at least 16 to gain admission into a training program.
  • Enroll in a Training Program - After fulfilling the basic requirements, aspiring HVAC technicians in Washington must acquire training from an accredited training program. One of the most common destinations is to apply for programs offered by community colleges and trade schools. Candidates may also go for programs overseen by apprenticeships and trade unions. Lastly, starting an HVAC technician career in Washington is possible through an employer-sponsored training program.
  • Apply for a Trainee Certificate - The process to become registered as a professional HVAC technician in Washington starts when a candidate begins their training program. At this point, they need to acquire a trainee certificate. To do so, they must possess a valid social security number and renew their certificate yearly.
  • Qualify for Licensure - At this point, the next step is to obtain a proper license to be registered officially. To do so, candidates must meet certain requirements. We take a look at all of these below.
  • EPA Section 608 Certification - To work with refrigerants, an HVAC technician in Washington will also need to get an EPA Section 608 Certification.

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Licensure & Certification Requirements

HVAC technicians in Washington are expected to be licensed as specialty electricians. The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries is the state board responsible for doing so.

Naturally, candidates seeking this license must fulfill a few requirements. The particular requirements will depend on specific categories.

For instance, those who fall into the HVAC/Refrigeration systems EL06A category can work on 30 volts or less and will need at least 4,000 hours of work experience and 48 hours of classroom instruction to qualify.

Additionally, specific locations in the state, such as Kennewick, Pullman, and Seattle, also have unique licenses relating to HVAC technology. In Seattle, an HVAC technician will need a gas piping license to work on pipes and valves designed to move fuel gas.

The body responsible for licensing HVAC technicians in Seattle is the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections.

Top HVAC Technician Schools in Washington

Below are some of the most prominent HVAC technician schools for interested individuals in Washington to consider.

  • Bates Technical College - HVAC Technology students at Bates Technical College can earn an associate of applied science degree through a 110-credit program.
  • Spokane Community College - Spokane Community College offers an associate’s degree in applied science in HVAC/R through a 24-month program.
  • Perry Technical Institute - Perry Technical Institute’s HVAC technology program consists of 169 credits and is approved by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.
  • Notable Mentions - Other notable mentions include the certificate and associate degree HVAC technology program at Clover Park Technical College and the certificate program at the Seattle Area Pipe Trades Education Center.

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Salary & Career Outlook

Several factors influence how much an HVAC technician will earn in Washington. Among these factors are their specific location in the state, employment establishment, and experience level.

The state’s HVAC technicians earn an annual salary of $65,774, an incredible 21% above the national average. This figure can get as high as $107,051 for those in the top 10% of earners or as low as $40,413 for technicians in the bottom 10%.

To optimize their earning potential, an HVAC technician may want to practice in some of the highest-paying cities, which include Everett and Moses Lake, with annual average salaries of $81,017 and $76,313, respectively.

Renton, Tacoma, and Bellingham complete the top five with annual average salaries of $75,838, $71,855, and $71,814, respectively. HVAC technicians in Seattle earn an annual average salary of $71,766.