HVAC Technician Schools in Nashville

Nashville, Tennessee, is a wonderful city to become an HVAC technician. As you’ll see below, the path to kick-starting a career is very direct, and professionals enjoy many perks and benefits along the way.

Naturally, candidates must acquire proper training to start a career in the field. The best way to do it is to enroll in a prominent training program with a reputation for producing successful graduates.

Thankfully, this is exactly what we have provided in the list below. Along with a quick overview of the programs, we have also included details about the course requirements and everything applicants should expect during their training.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in Nashville

Any journey to become an HVAC technician in Tennessee typically starts with the candidates sending in their high school diploma and transcript to secure admission into a training program. Those who don’t have a high school diploma often render their GED in its place.

As for the actual HVAC training, candidates may receive this in an apprenticeship arrangement where they will receive hands-on training from master HVAC technicians. The most popular arrangement, however, involves attending an academic training program after which they will graduate with either a certificate, associate degree, or bachelor’s degree.

Additionally, HVAC technicians in Tennessee are expected to receive a license before they can practice professionally and take on significant contracts.

Top HVAC Technician Schools in Nashville, Tennessee

Aspiring HVAC technicians in Nashville may consider the programs below as veritable destinations for high-quality HVAC training.

Tennessee College of Applied Technology

Tennessee College of Applied Technology’s HVAC training offers a certificate that can be earned through 16 months of training. The program includes 1728 hours of instruction and comprehensive hands-on training.

Students are guided through topics such as heat pumps, gas heating, solar heating, humidifiers, and green awareness in HVAC technology. Students may also enroll for the certificate in HVAC Mechanic Assistant, which includes 432 hours of training, and another certificate in domestic unit repair, which includes 864 hours of training.

Graduates of all of these programs will be prepared for entry-level employment. HVAC Excellence accredits the school.

Fortis Institute - Nashville

Fortis Institute has a lot of campuses all over the country, providing quality instruction in a handful of fields. Aspiring technicians in Nashville may consider the program offered on the school’s Nashville campus.

This program boasts experienced faculty who consistently provide hands-on training using modern tools and ensure that students have become familiar with the real-world demands of the job before they graduate.

Remington College

Remington College is another destination for high-quality HVAC technology training that offers both a diploma and a degree. The diploma program can be completed in 12 months and includes 59 credits, while the degree program can be completed in 24 months and includes 95 credits.

Among the topics of focus in the former include career fundamentals, basic electricity, introduction to air conditioning, air conditioning components, and fundamentals of HVAC maintenance, among others.

Among the topics of focus in the degree program include all the topics in the diploma program, along with other topics related to business applications, psychology, English composition, algebra, and oral communication.

Chattanooga State Community College

Chattanooga State Community College offers affordable and accelerated training for aspiring HVAC technicians in the area. Students can graduate in just 12 months and earn a diploma that can help them secure employment.

The program includes both classroom instructions and hands-on training. Topics include mechanical theory, maintenance, advanced HVAC systems, and electric motors. Students of this program will also be prepared for their EPA 608 certification.

Explore Detailed Steps and Certification Requirements:

William Moore College of Technology

At the William Moore College of Technology, students who enroll in the HVAC program can graduate with an associate degree in applied technology. Candidates seeking an accelerated option may also go for the HVAC systems Certificate program instead.

The program includes accommodation for night classes but only for those in the certificate program.

The degree program contains 72 credits, while the certificate program contains 18 credits. The focus topics include commercial heating, domestic heating, air conditioning systems, and commercial refrigeration.

Northeast State Community College

Lastly, candidates seeking a fast-tracked option may consider the HVAC certificate program at Northeast State Community College. The program contains 30 credits that can be completed in 30 weeks.

Here, qualified professionals instruct students in topics ranging from hydraulics and pneumatics to mechanical transmissions, electricity, HVAC equipment, workplace safety, and millwright principles.

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