HVAC Technician Schools in Tennessee

HVAC technicians in Tennessee can install and maintain HVAC systems in residential and commercial areas. They also have an in-depth knowledge of the components that make up these systems and can discuss special requirements and carry out upgrades on such components.

Anyone interested in pursuing this profession in Tennessee will be glad to know that everything they need to start their journey has been carefully outlined in the sections below. They will find crucial information such as the steps involved in the process, the top programs in the state, and the certification requirements to fulfill before taking on professional contracts.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in Tennessee

Below are the considerations involved in becoming an HVAC technician in Tennessee.

Fulfill Basic Requirements

The first step to becoming an HVAC technician in Tennessee is to fulfill the basic requirements of having a high school diploma or GED, being at least 16 years old to enter into a training program, and having solid foundations in high school subjects about the field.

Enroll in a Training Program

Aspiring HVAC technicians in Tennessee may acquire their training from an academic or apprenticeship program.

Academic Program

The ultimate objective of any training program for HVAC technicians is to give them the skills and work experience needed to secure employment. Many candidates prefer getting these from academic programs because they offer a very organized and established structure.

During HVAC technician training, candidates learn technical topics such as duct designs and load calculations. Still, they will also learn interpersonal, communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

An academic program in HVAC technology can last between a few months and four years, depending on the degree in sight.


Apprenticeship programs for HVAC technicians provide students with the skills they need to become professionals in a very hands-on manner. Candidates may prefer this arrangement because they will learn real-world experience under established HVAC technicians.

Even though most of an HVAC apprenticeship is spent carrying out hands-on practicals, this arrangement also includes classroom instructions.

Local unions and trade organizations organize some of the best apprenticeship programs in the state.

EPA Certification

HVAC technicians in Tennessee working with refrigerants are expected to acquire an EPA 608 Certification.

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Licensure & Certification Requirements

A license is required to perform HVAC work in Tennessee. Both state and local bodies are responsible for certain guidelines that must be followed to obtain this license.

The state is responsible for issuing HVAC contractor licenses, but the various localities are in charge of additional specialty licenses.

The state board in charge of licensing HVAC contractors in Tennessee is the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Industry, Tennessee Board for Licensing Contractors.

This contractor license is divided into two categories:

  • CMC - Full Mechanical Contractor license, and
  • CMC-C - Mechanical - HVAC/Refrigeration contractor.

Top HVAC Technician Schools in Tennessee

Below are some of the most notable HVAC technician schools in Tennessee.

Remington College

Remington College boasts a top-class HVAC technology program where students can earn either a diploma or a degree. Those who go for the diploma program can finish their studies in 12 months, while those who go for the associate degree program will complete their training in 24 months.

Tennessee College of Applied Technology

At the Tennessee College of Applied Technology, aspiring HVAC technicians in the state may enroll for a certificate that can be obtained after 16 months of training. They will be taught crucial topics such as solar heating, green awareness, and gas heating.

William Moore College of Technology

Aspiring HVAC technicians in Tennessee may also apply for the William Moore College of Technology program. They may choose to attend the certificate or associate degree programs.

While the certificate program contains 18 credits, the associate degree program contains 72 credits.

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Salary & Career Outlook

In Tennessee, HVAC technicians earn an annual salary that aligns with the national average. This figure of $51,825 was obtained from a survey analyzing the average salaries of 1800 HVAC technicians in the state.

The survey also found that HVAC technicians in Tennessee who are in the top 10% earn an annual average salary of $87,717, while those in the bottom 10% earn an annual average salary of $30,619. An HVAC technician in the state looking to scale their earning may consider improving factors such as location, type of establishment, specialization, credentials, and experience.

Concerning location, Franklin, Nashville, and Memphis are the highest-paying cities for HVAC technicians in Tennessee, with annual average salaries of $53,694, $53,660, and $53,644, respectively.

Chattanooga and Murfreesboro also make the top five with annual average salaries of $53,412 and $52,768 respectively.