HVAC Technician Schools in Philadelphia

HVAC technicians are responsible for fixing, maintaining, and upgrading our homes’ heating and cooling systems. Additionally, the duties of an HVAC technician often go beyond the technical aspects of the job and run into more customer service and marketing-related areas.

HVAC technicians must obtain proper education from a quality training program to do their jobs effectively and manage these additional requirements. This is true of HVAC technicians nationwide; those in Philadelphia are no different.

To help you start your journey, we have provided below a list of the most notable HVAC technician training programs in and around Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, along with a few words on why they deserve your attention.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in Philadelphia

HVAC technicians in Pennsylvania are expected to complete a training program or an apprenticeship program before they can be employed. A GED or high school diploma is often needed to enroll in either of these programs.

As for licensing requirements, while Philadelphia as a state doesn’t have a mandatory licensing requirement for HVAC technicians, some cities and municipalities like Philadelphia do.

HVAC technicians in Philadelphia must also obtain certification from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) if they will be working with certain refrigerants.

Top HVAC Technician Schools in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Now that you know what’s required of you to become an HVAC technician in Philadelphia, here are some of the most noteworthy training programs to consider in and around the city.

1. Berks Career & Technology Center

At the Berks Career & Technology Center, students acquire life-changing skills in various technology careers, including HVAC technology. Classes last for 180 hours and take place two nights per week from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

Students are prepared for employment and certification exams, including the OSHA and EPA Section 608 certificates.

Graduates can work in refrigeration mechanics, heating and air conditioning refrigeration engineering, and sheet metal work. HVAC Excellence and the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools accredit the school.

2. Orleans Technical College

Orleans Technical College in Philadelphia boasts a team of experienced instructors and beautiful facilities for HVAC technology training. Training lasts either 6 months or 13 months, depending on what time of the day students enroll.

The day training lasts 6 months and is the most popular alternative.

Students become familiar with key HVAC topics regardless of schedule and can work as air conditioning, mechanics, or refrigeration technicians after graduation.

The school is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC).

3. Bucks County Technical High School

Another popular option for Philadelphia residents looking for a quality HVAC training program is the one offered at Bucks County Technical High School. Accredited by HVAC Excellence, the school teaches essential theoretical and practical topics in HVAC technology and additional safety and environmental control systems issues.

Students can pursue NCCER credentials, OSHA certification, and CPR & First Aid certifications upon graduation. The program can be completed within a year.

4. Western Montgomery Career and Technology Center

Western Montgomery Career and Technology Center in Limerick trains aspiring HVAC technicians on crucial subjects to become certified as universal technicians.

Accredited by HVAC Excellence, the program combines shop practice training with HVAC theory. Courses deal with safety, installation, troubleshooting, and servicing.

The program can be completed in less than a year, and graduates can seek employment in various fields such as HVAC/R mechanics, hospital and retail HVAC installers, and factory installers.

5. Pennsylvania College of Technology

At the Pennsylvania College of Technology, aspiring HVAC technicians train at an institution with a solid reputation and experienced instructors. Students can enroll in the Bachelor of Science degree or the Associate of Applied Science in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning technology.

The Bachelor of Science program includes 131 credits and can be completed in 8 semesters, while the associate of applied science program comprises 70 credits and can be completed in 4 semesters.