HVAC Technician Schools in Pennsylvania

As an HVAC technician in Pennsylvania, you enjoy constant contracts, job offers, and an impressive salary. You also want flexibility in your schedule and the possibility of acquiring more knowledge to grow and scale your business.

If all of this sounds good and you would like to consider becoming an HVAC technician in Pennsylvania, this article is the perfect place to start. Below we look at some things you’ll need to know to kickstart your career.

We discuss the possible educational/training alternatives, best programs in and around the state, certification/licensing requirements, potential salary, and job outlook.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in Pennsylvania

HVAC technicians in Pennsylvania have to follow the steps below before they can be allowed to practice professionally:

1. Obtain a High School Diploma or GED Equivalent

Every HVAC technician in Pennsylvania needs a high school diploma or GED before securing employment. Technically, no minimum educational requirement is set by the state’s laws.

However, trade programs, apprenticeships, and employers can request at least a high school diploma or GED equivalent.

2. Enroll in a Training Program

HVAC technicians in Pennsylvania, like most states in the country, can choose to acquire their training while working in an actual HVAC work environment through an apprenticeship program.

Those who would like to acquire training first before working, they can do so by applying for a formal training program at a college or vocational school.

Apprenticeship or Trade School?

As one would expect, there are benefits to be gotten from either approach. The hands-on training approach allows one to become familiar with the actual work environment from the start.

On the other hand, training programs focus on facilitating a solid foundation in HVAC technology through in-depth classroom training sessions.

Candidates wishing to combine the two may do so by attending a college program and completing a short apprenticeship afterward.

3. Become Licensed by the State Board

Pennsylvania is one of the few states that doesn’t mandate licensing for HVAC technicians and contractors at a state level. However, certain local municipalities in the state do.

Consider Trades with Similar Paths:

Top HVAC Technician Schools in Pennsylvania

1. Berks Career & Technology Center

The Berks Career & Technology Center trains HVAC technicians through a specialized program that lasts 180 hours and takes place twice a week from 6:00 to 9:00 at night.

Students are trained for employment and certification exams such as the OSHA certificate and the EPA Section 608 certificate. HVAC Excellence and the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools accredit the school.

2. Orleans Technical College

Accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges, Orleans Technical College in Philadelphia has a beautiful facility where experienced instructors train future HVAC techs.

Applicants can choose between a 6-month day training program or a 13-month training program that takes place at night.

Graduates often work as air conditioning technicians, mechanics, or refrigeration technicians.

3. Bucks County Technical High School

The Bucks County Technical High School teaches the fundamentals of theoretical and practical HVAC technology through a comprehensive program that can be completed in under a year.

Apart from the technical aspects of the job, students are also taught about safety standards and end environmental control systems. Graduates are equipped to pursue NCCER credentials, OSHA certification, CPR & First Aid, and many more.

HVAC Excellence accredits the school.

4. Notable Mentions

Other notable mentions include the Western Montgomery Career and Technology Center in Limerick and the Pennsylvania College of Technology, Pennsylvania.

Explore HVAC Technician Schools by City:

Licensure and Certification Requirements

As noted earlier, HVAC technicians in Pennsylvania don’t have to be licensed at a state level. However, certain cities and municipalities like Pittsburgh and Philadelphia have local HVAC licenses, which HVAC technicians must apply for before they can start taking on contracts.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also mandates that technicians who work with refrigerants must earn a Section 608 certification before working on these components.

Salary and Job Outlook

The average annual salary for HVAC technicians in Pennsylvania is $53,813. This assumes an intermediate experience level and other essential factors such as credentials, establishment type, and location.

Those on the higher end of these factors earn an annual average salary of $81,697, while those on the lower back still earn $35,446 annually.

Sorting by location, HVAC technicians in Media, Mechanicsburg, and Harrisburg earn the highest salary in the state with an annual average of $70,138, $61,805, and $60,182, respectively.

HVAC technicians in Philadelphia earn an annual average salary of $59,046.