HVAC Technician Schools in Newark

The duties of an HVAC technician in Newark, New Jersey, are extensive and span several categories. For instance, professionals in the field can be tasked with installing systems while others are in charge of maintaining and upgrading the systems.

Additionally, an HVAC technician in Newark, New Jersey, may be responsible for selling HVAC components or designing particular system requirements for special cases.

To be able to carry out all of these duties at a high level, an HVAC technician must attend a prominent training program. Below, we look at some schools in and around the city that provide high HVAC technology education.

We also provide a few notes on why these programs are rated so highly.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in Newark

Enrolling in a training program is the first step in starting an HVAC technician career in Newark. To do so, candidates must be high school graduates with a diploma or a GED equivalent to render in its place.

The state of New Jersey specifies the series of combinations that may qualify candidates for an HVAC license.

The first combination is four years of training in an HVAC academic program and one year of experience. The second is to have 4 years of non-HVAC training and two years of experience. The third option involves two years of training in an HVAC academic program, two years of experience in an HVAC apprenticeship program, and one year of work experience.

Lastly, candidates may become HVAC technicians in Newark by having four years of training in an apprenticeship program and one year of work experience.

Top HVAC Technician Schools in Newark, New Jersey

Below are a few notable HVAC technician programs in and around Newark, New Jersey.

Fortis Institute

Aspiring HVAC technicians in Newark may enroll in any of Fortis Institute’s two campuses for their HVAC technology training, but the Wayne campus is the closest.

Accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health, the program teaches advanced air conditioning, electricity, water-based heating, and system design topics.

Graduates are also prepared to take the EPA Section 608 exam.

Lincoln Technical Institute

Lincoln Technical Institute has two locations in the area, including one in Union and another in Mahwah. On either campus, students can enroll in a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning program where they will eventually earn an EPA certification.

Of course, they will also learn everything they need to secure employment, including cooling and heating systems, green technology, and solar and geothermal techniques.

The school offers two certificates comprising 50 credits and a truly comprehensive curriculum. Graduates would have become adept in basic refrigeration systems, heating systems, energy conservation, and air conditioning systems, among others.

Mercer County College

Mercer County College offers an associate of applied science degree and a certificate for aspiring HVAC technicians in the area. Those who enroll in the associate of applied science program will learn refrigeration and air conditioning principles, among other topics equaling 60 credits.

Those who enroll in the certificate program can study part-time and attend classes in the evening. The program includes 31 credits.

Graduates of the HVAC technology programs at Mercer County College may secure employment as technicians, supervisors, representatives, designers, and laboratory technicians.

Explore Detailed Steps and Certification Requirements:

Pennco Tech

Another incredible training program for aspiring HVAC technicians in the area can be found at Pennco Tech. The school is known for having many high-quality trade programs, and its HVAC/R program operates at a very high standard.

Students will learn troubleshooting, design installation, and best maintenance practices. The program can be completed in 36 weeks, after which students will receive a certificate.

They may also go for the EPA Section 608 certification in their program.

Graduates can work as HVAC installers, specialists, and technicians.

Raritan Valley Community College

Aspiring HVAC technicians who enroll in the Raritan Valley Community College program will graduate with an associate of applied science degree in environmental control technology. They can work as HVAC technicians, designers, installers, and supervisors.

The program contains 60 credits and courses in environmental control technology, air conditioning systems design, and heating systems design, among others.

It can be completed in two years, during which individuals will be put through classroom instructions and hands-on sessions. Raritan Valley Community College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

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