HVAC Technician Schools in New Jersey

HVAC technicians are professionals with the knowledge of installing and maintaining HVAC systems. They also understand how to troubleshoot and replace defective components of such systems.

As an aspiring HVAC technician in New Jersey, you must acquire the expertise to carry out all these duties. However, more than becoming an expert is required. You must still fulfill some state requirements to start working as a professional.

Below, we look at some of these requirements, the state’s prerequisite steps and top HVAC technology programs. We also discuss the potential salary to look forward to.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in New Jersey

Numerous pathways exist to becoming an HVAC technician in New Jersey. They include academic programs, apprenticeship programs, and on-the-job training instructions.

We take a look at all of the possible combinations below.

Graduating from a 4-Year HVAC Academic Program

According to the state’s laws, an HVAC technician in New Jersey may begin their career by graduating from a four-year academic program at a college or trade university. They must graduate with a bachelor’s degree and then acquire one year of experience learning under a licensed master HVAC contractor.

Graduating from a 4-Year non-HVAC Academic Program

The state also specifies that candidates who graduate from a non-HVAC field may qualify to practice as professional HVAC technicians if it is a related field. After completing their four-year education in that field, they must back it up with three years of experience learning under a licensed master HVAC contractor in the state.

Graduating from a 2-Year HVAC Academic Program

Candidates who graduate from two-year degree programs from community colleges and trade schools may also become professional HVAC technicians in New Jersey. To qualify for approval from the state, they must consolidate their two-year degree with an additional two years of learning in an apprenticeship program.

In addition to the time spent in the above programs, they must also complete a year of real-world experience learning under a master HVAC contractor in the state.

Graduating from an Apprenticeship Program

Another option to begin an HVAC technician career in New Jersey is to complete a four-year apprenticeship program. Candidates who use this strategy must ensure that they enroll in an apprenticeship approved by the Department of Labor.

After graduating from the four-year program, candidates must also acquire one year of experience practicing under a master HVAC contractor.

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Licensure & Certification Requirements

All HVAC technicians in New Jersey must acquire an HVAC master’s license before they can start taking on contracts on their own without having to work under the supervision of master technicians.

To qualify, candidates must fulfill a few requirements, including being at least 18 years old and having a high school diploma or GED, to secure admission into training programs.

From there, they must fulfill the training combinations above to qualify for the licensure examination. They must then pay an application fee and submit their official application online. After receiving board approval to take the test, they must obtain a passing score and pay the licensing fee.

HVAC technicians in the state must also obtain an EPA Section 608 Certification if they will be working with refrigerants.

Top HVAC Technician Schools in New Jersey

Below are some of the most notable HVAC technician schools in New Jersey.

Lincoln Technical Institute

Lincoln Technical Institute offers HVAC training at its campuses in Union and Mahwah. Students here are also prepared for their EPA certification.

Mercer County College

Aspiring HVAC technicians at Mercer County College can earn an associate degree or a certificate. While the certificate program includes 31 credits, the associate degree program includes 60 credits.

Pennco Tech

Pennco Tech offers an HVAC/R program dedicated to producing successful technicians to fulfill the growing demand for HVAC technicians in the area. Students will receive a certificate after 36 weeks of training and be prepared for additional industry certification, such as the EPA section 608 exam.

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Salary & Career Outlook

The annual average salary for HVAC technicians in New Jersey is $57,530, which is 5% higher than the national average. Of course, this figure indicates the annual average salary pertains to those in the midpoint of optimizable factors.

HVAC technicians who make the most in the state earn an annual average salary of $85,650, while those in the bottom 10% take home an annual average salary of $38,717.

As for the highest paying cities to be an HVAC technician in New Jersey, they include Toms River, with an annual average salary of $98,626, Vineland with $86,105; Newark, with an annual average salary of $73,469; and Trenton, with an annual average salary of $63,063.