HVAC Technician Schools in Miami

HVAC technology schools in and around Miami, Florida, remain among the best in the country. And while aspiring HVAC technicians in the area will be able to find good schools to obtain their training from, identifying the very best among this sea of options can be a challenge.

This article seeks to remedy this problem by listing the area’s best HVAC technician training programs. All the entries on our list have been vetted to ensure they reach a base-level educational standard that includes comprehensive coursework, hands-on training, impressive facilities, and experienced instructors.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in Miami

Becoming a HVAC technician in Miami, Florida, starts with a high school diploma or GED. From there, candidates may obtain a degree from a college program or acquire training on the job through an apprenticeship.

Once this stage is done, the next step is to obtain a license. Florida has four different categories of HVAC licenses. These are the Class A State Certified Contractor license, Class B State Certified Contractor license, Class A State Registered Contractor license, and Class B State Registered Contractor licenses.

Top HVAC Technician Schools in Miami, Florida

Having understood the requirements needed to become an HVAC technician in Miami, these are some of the most noteworthy training programs to consider in and around the city.

1. Florida Career College

Florida Career College offers a high-quality training program for future HVAC technicians taught by experienced instructors. The program is strictly on-campus and is designed to provide a solid theoretical foundation complemented by hands-on training sessions.

Students are taught how to maintain, repair, install, and upgrade commercial and residential HVAC systems. Topics include basic electricity, refrigeration theory, air conditioning, motor and HVAC control, and duct design.

Besides the training diploma, graduates also receive training for EPA certification and the Universal R-410A Safety Training Certification.

2. Florida Education Institute

The Florida Education Institute is another respectable institution offering high-quality HVAC training for future technicians. The program is predominantly lab-based and therefore includes a lot of hands-on training.

Besides the fact that students get to work on actual HVAC components from the beginning, the program is also commendable for its comprehensive curriculum, including blueprint reading, electrical wiring and controls testing and connection, and the fundamentals of air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration.

The program can be completed in nine months.

3. Lindsey Hopkins Technical College

The Lindsey Hopkins Technical College is another lab-based, hands-on training destination for aspiring HVAC technicians in Miami, Florida. Consisting of 1,350 hours of comprehensive coursework, students are trained on key topics such as hand and power tools, record keeping, supervisory skills, A/C refrigeration, and heating, among others.

Consequently, after graduation, they can secure employment as A/C refrigeration and heating mechanic assistants, warehouse & parts suppliers, and A/C refrigeration and heating installers, among others.

The program can be completed between 15 to 27 months.

4. Sheridan Technical College

Based in Hollywood, Florida, Sheridan Technical College is one of the most popular destinations for aspiring HVAC technicians nationwide. Like most HVAC training programs in the state, the program lasts 1350 hours and includes key topics in AC system servicing, testing, and installation.

Students also learn how to troubleshoot mechanical and electronic computers, draw up system diagrams, and solve problems in air conditioning systems.

Before admission, students are asked to attend an orientation program, take a test of adult basic education, and apply for financial assistance if they wish to.

Graduates are prepared to take the EPA 608 certification exam. The program lasts for 45 weeks.

5. Atlantic Technical College

At Atlantic College, interested applicants can acquire HVAC technology training via a 1,350-hour program. Graduates can install, repair and maintain both commercial and residential HVAC systems.

Topics include introduction to HVAC/R and HVAC fundamentals, advanced commercial and industrial service practices, and intermediate service practices.

Graduates may also have the chance to pursue an associate degree from Broward College or the Florida College System using credits acquired from this program. Training is strictly on campus.