HVAC Technician Schools in Georgia

To start as an HVAC technician in Georgia, you must undergo high training at a respected institution. There are a handful of options regarding which institution to go with and which training arrangement.

Along with this, there are also other considerations to make, such as certification and licensing decisions.

If this seems overwhelming to you, we assure you they are not. All you need to do is be familiar with the process from the start, and the steps should be as easy as possible.

To help get your career started on a solid footing, below are some of the most important things you need to know about starting a career as an HVAC technician in Georgia.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in Georgia

Basic Prerequisites

The state of Georgia asks that candidates must be at least 18 years old before getting their HVAC license. Having a high-school diploma or GED before enrolling in a training program is also advisable.

This makes admission easier.


After meeting the basic requirements, the next step in becoming an HVAC technician in Georgia is acquiring the necessary training. Generally, there are two alternatives regarding where to obtain this training.

  • Formal Trade School Programs - The first option to obtain HVAC training is to enroll in a formal training program run by a college or vocational school. These programs are notable for emphasizing solid theoretical foundations and hands-on training under experienced instructors’ tutelage.
  • Apprenticeship Programs - Additionally, aspiring HVAC technicians in Georgia who want to obtain their training from something other than formal training schools may choose to get it from an apprenticeship program.

These programs are popular all over the state, with some being run by trade unions and others by companies that the government approves to do so.

While some apprenticeship programs also incorporate classroom training, they emphasize hands-on training in real-world environments.

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Top HVAC Technician Schools in Georgia

The following are some of Georgia’s most popular and notable HVAC technician schools.

1. Lanier Technical College

Lanier Technical College is usually one of the first entries on any list of the best HVAC programs in Georgia. The school offers aspiring HVAC technicians in the state the opportunity to earn their diploma in Air Conditioning Technology and a Certificate in Basic Residential Design.

Accepted applicants get to enjoy training in excellent facilities with instructions from seasoned instructors in the field. HVAC Excellence accredits the school.

2. Georgia Piedmont Technical College

Accredited by PAHRA (Partnership for Air Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration accreditation), Georgia Piedmont College is another notable destination for aspiring HVAC technicians in Georgia.

The school has two certificate programs consisting of 12 credit hours, an associate of applied science degree program comprising 66 credit hours, and a diploma program comprising 51 credit hours.

3. Gwinnett Technical College

Gwinnett Technical College’s HVAC Technology programs focus on topics such as blueprint reading and reviewing, emergency repairs, maximizing operational efficiency, and troubleshooting.

Students who graduate from this program will have received all the skills they need to perform their duties and sit for the OSHA safety certification exams, EPA certification exams, and other relevant exams.

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Licensure and Certification Requirements

HVAC technicians who wish to work in Georgia must become licensed by the state before securing employment. To do so, they must have completed their high school or have a GED and submit an application to the Georgia Construction Industry License Board - Division of Conditioned Air Contractors.

Generally, this license in question is divided into the Conditioned Air Contractors License Class I and the Conditioned Air Contractors License Class II.

Once candidates submit their applications with the necessary fees, they will have to sit for a licensing exam and attain a 70% final score.

The state also requires three references for background checks before an official license card is issued.

Salary and Job Outlook

The annual average salary for an HVAC technician in Georgia is $53,364 - the same as the national average for other states.

HVAC technicians starting in the state usually earn below this figure, closer to around $33,671 per year. Those who have been on the job longer often make as high as $84,574.

Of course, a few factors determine how much an HVAC technician will earn in Georgia. These include their particular establishment of practice, location, experience, and credentials, among other factors.

Concerning location only, Marietta, Carrollton, Suwanee, Savannah, and Atlanta are Georgia’s highest-paying cities for HVAC technicians.