HVAC Technician Schools in San Diego

HVAC technicians in California enjoy high demand, lucrative contracts, and a consequently high salary that is significantly higher than the national average.

As we’ll see below, there is more than one way to become an HVAC technician in California. But one of the best approaches is to enroll in a quality training program. And while there are plenty of impressive HVAC technology training programs in California, identifying the best can be challenging.

To simplify the process, we have provided below a list of some of the best programs in the state, including a few notes on what makes them so unique.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in San Diego

HVAC technicians in San Diego must possess a high school diploma or GED. Then they must graduate from either formal training or apprenticeship programs.

With apprenticeship programs, future HVAC technicians become familiar with the demands of an HVAC environment right from the start. They start in a classroom with formal training programs and then work their way up to hands-on training.

Lastly, all HVAC technicians in California must get a Class C Specialty Contractor License from the state board. This is the C-20 Warm-Air Heating, Ventilating, and Air-conditioning Contractor license.

Candidates must be at least 18 to qualify. Application form costs $330, and an additional $200 once they pass the licensing exam.

Top HVAC Technician Schools in San Diego, California

Now that you know what’s required of you to become an HVAC technician in San Diego, below are some of the most notable programs in and around the city.

1. Mt. San Antonio College

HVAC students at Mt. San Antonio College graduate with a certificate or an associate degree. Besides the knowledge of HVAC systems, students here also learn about handling refrigerants, building automated systems, troubleshooting, welding, and electrical operation.

The HVAC training program at Mt. San Antonio College is the only program in California that HVAC Excellence and PAHRA accredit.

In total, students in the associate degree program complete 63.5 units of coursework, while those in the certificate program complete 31.58 units. While the former takes 24 months to complete, the latter can be completed in 12 months.

2. San Diego City College

San Diego City College is another popular alternative for HVAC students. The program offers air conditioning, refrigeration, and environmental control technology training through an associate degree program.

Some of the most commendable parts of the program are that it focuses on green technology and tries as much as possible to incorporate other technical areas into the coursework, such as construction drawings, fluid flow dynamics, comfort heating systems theories, and more.

The school also offers a certificate alternative in air-conditioning and solar energy.

3. University of California San Diego

Aspiring HVAC technicians in San Diego may also consider the certificate program at the University of California. The program comprises 12 credit hours and can be completed in 18 months.

Among other things, students acquire an in-depth understanding of HVAC fundamentals, focusing on courses such as HVAC DDC networking design and HVAC systems design, among others.

4. North America Training Center

Based in Redlands, California, the North American Training Center (NATE) allows residents to acquire HVAC/R and EPA training. The HVAC/R training focuses on electricity and thermodynamics, refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, and how they apply to commercial, Industrial, and residential use.

One of the most appealing parts of enrolling in the NATE center is that students who graduate from here automatically qualify to sit for the NATE certification exam.

Students are expected to complete 624 hours of coursework, including classes on gas, hydronic, heat pump, refrigeration, controls, electricity, and technical discovery.

5. ABC - San Diego Community College District

Associated Builders and Contractors are a famous association with numerous chapters and training programs nationwide. NATE accredits its location in San Diego and offers preliminary training and continuing education credits for HVAC technicians.

Students have the opportunity to attend classes online and can do so at any time of the day. Another highlight of the program is that students can take courses in both English and Spanish.

Classes are divided into modules. These include foundational, mechanical, business, chillers, and examination preparation. The program can be completed in 12 months.