HVAC Technician Schools in Arizona

An aspiring HVAC technician in Arizona must acquire training in various areas of the field, such as heating systems and boilers, load calculations, special equipment, blueprint reading, and more. They must also fulfill all of the state requirements along the way.

Interested individuals will be glad to know that everything they need to become familiar with before starting their journey can be found below. Among other things, we provide detailed insights into the steps involved in acquiring training, the certification and licensure requirements, and the notable programs in the state to enroll in.

We also provide a concise overview of the salary and career outlook for future HVAC technicians in Arizona.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in Arizona

Aspiring HVAC technicians in Arizona should follow the steps below to begin their careers.

Basic Requirements

As a basic requirement before obtaining training, individuals who would like to become HVAC technicians in Arizona must be at least 18 years of age. Having a high school diploma or GED will also make the process easier.

Attend Formal Programs

Candidates can earn a certificate or an associate degree in a two-year college program for actual HVAC training. They will become familiar with the crucial topics that will allow them to secure employment in most establishments. Along with the degrees, training programs offered by formal academic destinations may also offer job placement assistance.


Aspiring HVAC technicians in Arizona may consider apprenticeship programs as an alternative to academic programs. Such programs exist courtesy of trade unions and other local organizations.

Additionally, some employers also organize this kind of program to train entry-level workers under the supervision of their licensed HVAC technicians.

One of the major characteristics of apprenticeship programs is that they focus predominantly on hands-on training and real-world experience. Of course, students will also enjoy a bit of formal classroom training as well.

Consider EPA Certification

HVAC technicians in Arizona specializing in fields where they will have to work with refrigerants should also get an EPA Section 608 Certification.

Acquire a License

Depending on the city where you will be practicing as an HVAC technician in Arizona and the number of contracts you will be taking on, you may have to acquire a license before you can officially get your career underway.

Consider Trades with Similar Paths:

Licensure & Certification Requirements

Technically, an HVAC technician in Arizona can be licensed to start working if they’re working under licensed technicians. A few exceptions exist, including Phoenix, where technicians must be licensed as journeyman professionals or apprentices.

Statewide, HVAC technicians must obtain a Licensed Contractor designation to take on more than $1000 projects.

The board responsible for HVAC contractor licenses in Arizona is the Arizona Registrar of Contractors (ROC).

The board specifies three different categories for this license, including the

  • Specialty Commercial C-39 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration,
  • Specialty Residential C-39 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Including Solar and
  • Specialty Dual CR-39 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration.

Top HVAC Technician Schools in Arizona

Below are some of the top HVAC technician schools in Arizona.

Arizona Western College

At Arizona Western College, students can become HVAC technicians by applying for either an occupational certificate program that consists of 20 credits or another occupational certificate program that consists of 38 credits. The program boasts modern equipment, well-maintained facilities, and highly qualified instructors with years of experience in the field.

East Valley Institute of Technology

East Valley Institute of Technology offers an HVAC technology program that teaches students the skills to work in several environments, including commercial and residential HVAC.

Gateway Community College

PAHRA accredits Gateway Community College’s HVAC technology programs. Students can choose between various learning arrangements, including an associate degree and multiple certificates.

Explore HVAC Technician Schools by City:

Salary & Career Outlook

As an aspiring HVAC technician in Arizona, you may look forward to earning an annual average salary of $34,937 at the start of your career. Then, you should move on to a higher average salary of $55,973, the annual average for HVAC professionals in the state.

Ultimately, the annual average salary for HVAC technicians in Arizona can get as high as $89,675. This applies to those in the top 10%. Of course, these figures are only base salary figures.

HVAC technicians in Arizona can earn additional payouts, such as overtime of $6,750 per year on average.

Mesa and Tempe are the highest-paying cities for HVAC technicians in Arizona, with annual average salaries of $100,040 and $59,173, respectively. Phoenix, Gilbert, and Glendale are also in the top five, with annual average salaries of $57,591, $56,583, and $56,323.