HVAC Technician Schools in Phoenix

There are many factors to consider when choosing the right HVAC technology training program in Phoenix, Arizona.

A good training program focuses on HVAC technology topics such as systems management, duct design, load calculations, etc. However, the best training programs can incorporate additional hands-on and non-technical components such as interpersonal and communication skills.

Aspiring HVAC technicians in Phoenix, Arizona, will be glad to know that we have provided below a comprehensive list containing some of the best programs that fulfill the above requirements.

Firstly, however, here is a detailed but concise overview of the steps involved in becoming an HVAC technician in the city.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in Phoenix

The following are the steps involved in becoming an HVAC technician in Phoenix:

  • Graduate from High School or have a GED,
  • Attend a training program including either an apprenticeship program, academic program, or both,
  • Consider an EPA 608 certificate for handling refrigerants,
  • Acquire a journeyman license,
  • Acquire a contractor license from the state board (Arizona Registrar of Contractors).

Acquiring a journeyman license is not a statewide mandate. Only a few cities, including Phoenix, require such a license. Additionally, candidates only need the licensed contractor designation if they take on significant projects.

The contractor license is divided into three categories, which include the Specialty Commercial C-39 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Specialty Residential C-39 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Including Solar, and the Specialty Dual CR-39 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration.

Top HVAC Technician Schools in Phoenix, Arizona

The following are some of the more prominent HVAC technician programs in and around Phoenix, Arizona.

Gateway Community College

Gateway Community College boasts of being Arizona’s only HVAC technician school accredited by PAHRA. Students of this program have the luxury of choosing between three high-quality options.

One of these is the associate in applied science degree program in air conditioning, refrigeration, and facilities, which can be completed in 24 months. The other two are the Certificate of Competency in HVAC Residential Installation and Service Technician and the Certificate of Competency in HVAC Technician.

The certificate programs include 667 hours and 728 hours of training, respectively, while the associate of applied science program includes up to 76.5 credits.

Arizona Western College

Arizona Western College offers four programs for aspiring HVAC technicians in the area. The first is an occupational certificate in a basic air conditioning program with 20 credits. The second is an occupational air conditioning and refrigeration certificate with 38 credits.

Students may also go for the associate in applied science degree in air conditioning, which comprises 64 credits. Lastly, students also have the option to apply for the associate in applied science degree in air conditioning program with a STEM emphasis. This program contains 75 credits.

All in all, the associates of applied science degree programs can be completed in 24 months, while the certificate programs can be completed in 12 months.

Explore Detailed Steps and Certification Requirements:

Mohave Community College

Mohave Community College is another wonderful destination to receive high-quality HVAC technician training. While the program does not have an associate of applied science option, students still get enough flexibility by being able to choose between three certificate programs.

These include the certificate in HVAC installation program, the certificate in residential HVAC systems, and the HVAC/R light commercial certificate program. The first program consists of 16 credits, while the other two include 17 credits.

The focus topics include introduction to HVAC systems, residential maintenance, HVAC estimating and bidding, and HVAC plans, among others.

East Valley Institute of Technology

East Valley Institute of Technology offers a well-constructed HVAC technology program with experienced instructors and comprehensive coursework. Students of this program will become familiar with topics such as craft skills, circuits and controls, and heating technology, along with an introduction to entrepreneurship and mathematics.

Graduates of this program can work in various environments, including residential, commercial, and industrial areas.

Arizona Automotive Institute

Arizona Automotive Institute has an HVAC and Basic Restoration program that allows students to acquire classroom and on-the-job training instructions. Accepted applicants can become familiar with tools and equipment and acquire all the skills needed to secure employment in just 10 months.

Along with graduating with expertise and a certificate, individuals who complete the program will be well-prepared for their EPA Section 608 certification examination. Arizona Automotive Institute boasts highly qualified instructors with years of experience teaching and working in the field.

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