Trade Schools in Connecticut

Connecticut has several high-quality trade schools offering comprehensive training in occupational therapy, machine technology, welding, cosmetology, medical assisting, surgical technology, and more.

Below, we discuss in detail some key considerations everyone looking to attend a trade school in Connecticut must know. This includes the average cost of attending a trade school in the state, the factors affecting this cost, the possible financial assistance options, and the specific accreditation bodies to look out for.

Lastly, we round up the guide with a list containing only the top vocational schools in Connecticut and what they have to offer.

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Average Cost of Trade Schools in Connecticut

There are several factors influencing the cost of trade schools in Connecticut. These include:

  • Private or Public Trade Schools - Public trade schools in Connecticut are usually more affordable than private trade schools in terms of tuition.
  • Location - Even though they are in the same state, the cost of individual trade schools may vary based on the specific location within the state. For instance, schools in urban areas tend to have higher fees than those in rural areas.
  • Program Variety - Trade schools offering many programs spanning various fields usually have significant cost ranges.
  • Program Length - How long a program takes to complete determines its fees. Longer programs tend to accumulate more extra costs along the way.

Considering how these factors differ from institution to institution, it is tough to give a single figure regarding the average tuition cost for trade schools in Connecticut.

However, based on available data provided by the Connecticut Department of Education and the Connecticut Association of Schools and Colleges, among others, it is possible to infer that the average total cost of trade schools in Connecticut is:

  • $13,000 - $18,000 annually (Public Trade Schools)
  • $16,500 - $26,500 annually (Private Trade Schools).

Included in estimating these figures are the tuition cost, cost of books and materials, equipment cost, and student fees.

Financial Aid for Trade Schools in Connecticut

Thanks to several financial aid initiatives in the state and on a national level, trade school students in Connecticut can significantly reduce the cost of receiving a degree. They are also sometimes able to eliminate these costs.

Below are some prominent examples of financial aid initiatives for trade school students in the state.

  • Roberta B. Willis Scholarship Program - This scholarship offers up to $4,650 to qualified candidates. To apply, candidates must pursue a two-year degree in a public vocational college in the state. They may then contact the Connecticut Office of Higher Education to see if they qualify on a merit or need-based basis.
  • Richard E. Taber Citizenship Award Scholarship - This scholarship supports students who are residents of lower Fairfield County. They must demonstrate good citizenship and provide proof of community involvement.
  • CTASLA - CTASLA - Connecticut Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architecture - offers between $1,500 - $2,500 for students enrolled in a vocational landscape architecture program.

Other notable alternatives include the Jewish Community Foundation scholarships and the Naugatuck Valley Medical Scholarship Fund.

Licensing and Accreditation for Trade Schools in Connecticut

Trade school students in Connecticut must ensure that a recognized body accredits their schools before they graduate. Failure to do so may invalidate their certificate or handicap them in the financial market.

Accreditation also affects whether or not a trade school student can receive certain grants and scholarships.

Of the various organizations in charge of accrediting trade schools in Connecticut, the New England Commission of Higher Education is one of the most prominent regional bodies to consider. The Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges grants national accreditation to more than 650 vocational schools nationwide.

For candidates looking to enroll in online programs, the Distance Education Accrediting Commission is the most prominent body in this regard. Lastly, all postsecondary schools in the state are expected to register with the Connecticut Department of Higher Education.

Top Vocational Trade Schools in Connecticut

The list below contains some of Connecticut’s most prominent schools for comprehensive trade, technical, and vocational training.


Gateway Community College

New Haven, CT Online + Campus

Gateway Community College in New Haven offers around 18 programs, 40 of which are associate and the rest certificate programs. Candidates can enroll in the school for a degree in automotive technology, cosmetology, and computer networking.

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$4,516 - $13,448
  • (203) 285-2300

Housatonic Community College

Bridgeport, CT Online + Campus

Housatonic Community College offers various programs, from automotive technology to dental assisting and culinary arts. There are around 70 programs on offer, with 30 being associate programs and 40 being certificate programs.

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$4,516 - $13,468
  • (203) 332-5057

Middlesex Community College

Middletown, CT Online + Campus

Middlesex Community College is notable for its small class sizes and comprehensive curriculum in its 70+ programs available for candidates all over the state. Regardless of whether students are enrolled in the 30+ associate programs or 40+ certificate programs, they can look forward to extensive hands-on training and rigorous instructions from experienced teachers.

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$4,476 - $13,428
  • (860) 343-5719

Naugatuck Valley Community College

Waterbury , CT Online + Campus

Naugatuck Valley Community College offers many programs, including dental assistance, business administration, and medical assistance. It is notable for its strong emphasis on culture, social vibrancy, and affordable tuition.

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$4,516 - $13,468
  • (203) 575-8080

Three Rivers Community College

Norwich, CT Online + Campus

Three Rivers Community College is a popular destination for training in some fields that may need to be more popular to be offered by other community colleges. For instance, the school offers cybersecurity, radiologic technology, and culinary arts programs that operate at a very high level and are rare.

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$4,596 - $13,548
  • (860) 215-9016

Northwest Connecticut Community College

Winsted, CT Online + Campus

Northwest Connecticut Community College is dedicated to more practical programs like automotive technology. Students can also enroll in welding, computer networking, and general studies programs, among 50 others.

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$4,556 - $13,148
  • (860) 738-6300

Notable Mentions

Other notable mentions include Asnuntuck Community College in Enfield, Capital Community College in Hartford, Manchester Community College in Manchester, Quinebaug Valley Community College in Danielson, Lincoln Technical Institute in East Windsor and Shelton, and City School of Electronics in New Haven.

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