Welding Schools in Philadelphia

Welders are known to cut and fabricate metal pieces using various techniques. To be able to master even one of these techniques requires a great deal of training and practice.

You shouldn’t be surprised that one of the most critical steps in becoming a welder in Philadelphia is enrolling in a high-quality training program.

Thankfully, there are numerous options to choose from in this regard. The list below was compiled to serve as a starting point for those looking for only the most prominent choices.

We have ensured that all of the entries meet a minimum educational standard that includes comprehensive coursework and the presence of experienced instructors, among other factors.

How to Become a Welder in Philadelphia

Becoming a welder in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, involves being at least 18 years old and possessing a high school diploma or a GED equivalent.

All of these are necessary to gain admission into a training program, which can either be a college/trade school program or an apprenticeship program offered by trade unions and any other organization approved by the state to do so. Both of these approaches are valid and recognized by the state.

Once an individual completes their training program, whichever one it might be, the next step to becoming a professional welder in Philadelphia is obtaining a state license. To do this, candidates must sit for any certification exams the American Welding Society (AWS) offers.

Top Welding Schools in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Without further ado, these are some of the most noteworthy welding schools in and around Philadelphia:

1. Pennsylvania College of Technology

Pennsylvania College of Technology in Williamsport always finds its way onto the list of the best colleges in Pennsylvania and for good reasons too. The school offers numerous high-quality programs spanning various fields, including welding.

Aspiring welders who choose this institution will be glad to know that the tuition is relatively affordable. They’ll also choose between a certificate program of 59 credits and an associate degree program, including welding and metal fabrication technology.

These offer veritable routes to secure high-paying entry-level employment. Still, those who wish to take their learning to the next level can apply for the school’s Bachelor of Science degree program in welding and fabrication engineering technology.

2. Triangle Tech

Triangle Tech in Allentown has been ranked as one of Pennsylvania’s top 10 welding trade schools. The school offers a beautiful welding and fabrication technology program wherein students get to work with advanced equipment and learn crucial techniques that will go a long way in helping them secure high-paying employment.

One of the best parts about applying for this program is that students must complete the American Welding Society credential and American Society of Model Engineers certification exams before graduating.

Along with these credentials, graduates also leave with an associate of applied science degree in specialized technology.

3. Community College of Philadelphia

Founded in 1965, the Community College of Philadelphia remains one of the most prominent institutions in the city and offers more than 70 associate degree programs. Its welding technology program provides both classroom training and hands-on laboratory training.

The program teaches all the job fundamentals aspirants need to secure entry-level positions once they finish their studies.

Graduates of the program have been known to work as cutters, solderers, welders, and more.

4. Delaware County Community College

At Delaware County College, residents of the greater Philadelphia area can study in state-of-the-art facilities under the tutelage of experienced instructors.

The school’s welding certificate program includes 225 hours of rigorous hands-on training that helps students develop skills in shielded metal arc welding, oxyfuel cutting, and gas metal arc welding, among others.

Students will also learn how to read blueprints and become familiar with the basics of welding applications.

The school also offers individuals the opportunity to enroll in individual classes to learn specific aspects of welding, such as gas tungsten arc welding and gas metal arc welding. These classes consist of 45 hours of instruction each.