Welding Schools in Cincinnati

Welding schools in Cincinnati provide much-needed classroom and practical instructions to allow welders to pursue successful careers. Along with providing a general introduction to welding, these programs also teach students about particular areas of specialization.

Aspiring welders in Cincinnati must choose the best program to ensure the best results not just in the short term but throughout their careers. To that end, we have provided below a list containing some of the most notable welding schools in and around Cincinnati, Ohio.

How to Become a Welder in Cincinnati

The first step to becoming a welder in Cincinnati is ensuring you have a high school diploma or GED. Whether you’re choosing an academic program or an apprenticeship program as your training destination, you will need either one of those two to be accepted.

Those who acquire academic training may complement this with an apprenticeship program. In training, candidates learn both classroom topics and practical applications for real-world scenarios.

Finally, aspiring welders in Cincinnati who have completed their training programs may choose to acquire certification from the American Welding Society before seeking employment.

Top Welding Schools in Cincinnati, Ohio

The following are some prominent welding schools for aspiring welders in Cincinnati to consider.

Cincinnati State Technical and Community College

At the Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, future welders can begin their careers by completing either a certificate or an associate’s degree program in welding. Before they graduate, they would have become highly familiar with subjects such as pipe welding, metal fabrication, and, of course, safety.

The associate degree program can be completed in 36 months, while the certificate programs require 18 months of training. The school has locations in Middletown, Avondale, Harrison, and Clifton.

Cincinnati Job Corps Center

Cincinnati Job Corps Center offers an incredible educational facility where students can train to become welders, among other professions. The school is part of the National Job Corps, which means that tuition is free, and opportunities are plenty for graduates.

The school offers very hands-on training, and graduates often go on to work with some of the best companies and establishments in the area.

Explore detailed requirements and steps to becoming a Welder in Ohio:

Diamond Oaks CDC

Diamond Oaks CDC is one of the best places to acquire welding training in Cincinnati. Aspiring welders are advised to enroll in schools accredited by the American Welding Society, and Diamond Oaks CDC fulfills this requirement.

Consequently, program graduates can pursue certification as supervisors, educators, inspectors, and radiographic interpreters, among others.

Columbus State Community College

Aspiring welders in Cincinnati often look to the skilled trades division of the Columbus State Community College to obtain comprehensive welding training. The school operates a curriculum where students receive classroom and hands-on training in general welding and pipe welding.

Consequently, students who graduate with a certificate in either of these fields can pursue an associate degree and an apprenticeship if they please.

The certificate programs can be completed between 12 to 24 months, while the associate degree program requires 24 months of training.

Owens Community College

At Owens Community College, students are trained in a handful of trade fields, including welding. Graduates of this program will earn an associate degree through 24 months of training.

Those who would like to graduate in six months may also go for any of the specialized certificate programs in welding. The school boasts experienced instructors and excellent facilities through which students experience the practical application of theoretical principles that they learn in the classroom.

Eastern Gateway Community College

Eastern Gateway Community College is another beautiful destination to receive high-quality welding training in a serene environment. The school has campuses in Steubenville and Youngstown.

Among the topics of focus include blueprint reading, fabrication, and mathematics. Graduates who spend 24 months in the program will leave with an associate of applied science in welding. Students may also go for the basic and advanced welding certificates that can be completed in 12 months.


Established in 2008, Fortis is a relatively new entry on the list that has grown to become one of the best trade institutions in the area. The school has locations in numerous states and is known to have high-quality instructors and a comprehensive curriculum.

Students may attend the day or evening programs to accommodate their schedule.

Applicants who are accepted into the welding technology program will earn a certificate and be able to secure entry-level positions in the industry.

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