Solar Technician Schools in Honolulu

Now is the best time to become a solar technician in Hawaii and every other state. The International Energy Agency predicts an increase in renewable energy use in the coming decade. And of this figure, 60% will be based on solar.

To start as a solar technician in Honolulu, you must enroll in a high-quality training program. And while there are a few options to consider, they are not all created equal.

To help you make the best possible decision for your career, we have listed below the most noteworthy solar technician programs in and around Honolulu. We have also included a few notes on what makes them unique and what you may look forward to during the program and afterward.

How to Become a Solar Technician in Honolulu

Solar Technicians in Honolulu will benefit significantly from having a high school diploma or GED. It will also help them greatly if they already have a strong background in mathematics, physics, and related subjects.

Regarding the actual training, they may enroll in a certificate or degree program or simply go for direct activity on the job. Formal training programs are great for building a solid theoretical foundation through classroom instruction and hands-on training.

On-the-job training provides real-world experience right from the start. The next step after education is certification. Hawaii doesn’t specify that solar technicians must be certified to practice, but this step makes employment easier.

Lastly, solar technicians in Hawaii must be licensed by the Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Professional and Vocational Licensing.

Top Solar Technician Schools in Honolulu, Hawaii

Now that we know the steps needed to become a solar technician in Honolulu, below are some of the top programs to consider. These include offline college programs, trade programs, online programs, and company programs.

1. Kauai Community College

Kauai Community College offers one of the best training programs for aspiring solar technicians in and around Honolulu. It is the most notable college program in the state for solar technology.

The school’s Electrical Installation and Maintenance Technology program offers a Certificate of Competence in Solar Energy Technology, and it remains a popular destination thanks to its fast-tracked nature.

The entire program can be completed in just two semesters even though Its coursework is comprehensive enough, emphasizing facility safety, accident prevention, wiring methods, and NEC codes.

Students also learn about electrical fundamentals and acquire knowledge that will be useful in other electrical fields.

2. Solairgen

Solairgen is an online training program for aspiring solar technicians that has recently become popular. The school is notable for its flexibility, enabling individuals to learn independently.

And even though most of the classroom concerns are dealt with online, the program also has a hands-on laboratory with workshop training to allow interested students to fast-track their education to get started in the workforce as fast as possible.

What’s more, students who complete the 20-hour solar PV design and installation class may go on to acquire extra certification from NABCEP through the Associate Installer Credential Certification Exam.

IREC and NABCEP accredit the school.

3. SolPowerPeople

SolPowerPeople is another viable online alternative with an accredited solar technology program. Their online courses vary between 24 to 40 hours in length. The photovoltaic systems foundation and advanced design and installation courses are among these.

Students also get to learn about technical sales and PV system components. The program is administered through the Solar MOOC Academy.

4. Private Companies

Aspiring solar technicians in Honolulu would also consider contacting private solar installation companies around the city directly for the opportunity to train as an apprentice.

Many companies would love to bring up technicians and teach them the company methods. You should, however, ensure that your chosen company is in good standing with the state and is authorized to train upcoming technicians.