Plumbing Schools in New York City

For a plumber in New York City to carry out their duties of troubleshooting, installing, upgrading, repairing, and recommending an array of plumbing systems and components, they need to have a very sound knowledge of all types of plumbing systems in the first place.

They must obtain training in one form or the other to acquire this knowledge. And what is even more critical than securing an internship is getting training from the right programs and institutions.

To that end, we have provided a detailed yet concise list of some of the most notable plumbing schools in and around New York cities with incredible courses, facilities, and instructors.

How to Become a Plumber in New York City

As an aspiring plumber in New York City, the first thing that should be on your mind is enrolling in a training program. In this regard, you could enroll in an apprenticeship program or a formal training program at a college or trade school.

Once you’re done with training, the next thing to concern yourself is licensing.

New York is one of the states where plumbers are not expected to get a license on a statewide level. Instead, they are to consult their different City/ municipality departments.

For aspiring plumbers in New York City, the City Department of Buildings (DOB) handles the licensing specifications and examinations for plumbers in the city.

Top Plumbing Schools in New York City

Now that we’ve highlighted the broad steps involved in becoming a plumber in New York City, here are some of the most notable training programs to consider.

1. Apex Technical College

Apex Technical College is one of the most popular destinations for aspiring plumbers in New York. The school is notable for having excellent instructors and beautiful facilities for students to learn in, including classrooms, computer laboratories, and shops for hosting equipment and hands-on training.

The school also has a free parking lot and public transportation system. The school’s plumbers and heating program can be completed in 6 months for full-time and 13 months for part-time students.

Among other topics, students will learn how to install water and drainage lines and repair various heaters.

2. Renaissance Technical Institute

Renaissance Technical Institute provides vocational training in various fields, including plumbing. The Institute is a non-profit organization, meaning training is free.

Programs are also flexible with multiple options, such as plumbing level 1 and plumbing level 2 categories for plumbing students. Topics include safety principles, mathematics, hands and power tools, business skills, employability skills, pipe fittings, plumbing fixtures, installation fixtures, basic electricity, and more.

The program can be completed in 11 months.

3. Berk Trade and Business School

Berk Trade and Business School, as the name implies, offers numerous trade and business programs, including plumbing. Founded in 1940, the school’s mission has always been to provide the growing trade industry with capable professionals courtesy of the school’s beautiful facilities and experienced instructors.

Berk Trade and Business School’s plumbing program can be completed in 30 weeks, including 600 clock hours of training. Accepted applicants get to become adept in boiler heating systems, plumbing tools, water heaters, layout, and measuring, among others.

Graduates usually go on to acquire more training from apprenticeships or become entry-level workers.

4. UA Local 1 Training Center

An excellent apprenticeship training option for New York residents is offered at the UA Local 1 Training Center. The program brings up new plumbers and trains journeyman plumbers on innovations in the field.

Training includes drafting and field coordination, familiarity with plumbing codes, blueprint reading, medical gas, and more.

Students can choose between various courses, each of which costs $20. According to the school, the fees are only there to ensure students remain committed to the course.

5. New York City College of Technology

Lastly, aspiring plumbers in New York can also consider enrolling in the New York City College of Technology’s plumbing technology program. The program boasts multiple experienced instructors and high-quality training facilities.

Graduates leave with comprehensive skills in both theoretical principles and practical applications. They often go on to secure entry-level employment at top establishments in the state.