Plumbing Schools in Jacksonville

Future plumbers in Jacksonville, Florida, will be glad to know that the city boasts many incredible plumbing training programs. They’ll also be happy to know that these options are not limited to technical schools alone but also community colleges and even union-run programs.

As you’ll see below, however, the training direction you choose as an aspiring plumber in Jacksonville is all down to you, and there is no wrong option.

Ultimately, what matters is that you acquire high-level training from a proper institution with a sound program and a history of producing successful professionals in the field.

To that end, we have provided below a comprehensive list containing some of the most prominent programs in and around Jacksonville, Florida, that fulfill these requirements and will help you achieve your goals.

How to Become a Plumber in Jacksonville

As with most skilled trades in the state, plumbers in Jacksonville start their careers by enrolling in a training program. They must provide copies of their high school diploma or GED to do this. Once they graduate, they must obtain a license from the state board.

The Board has two different licenses for plumbers: the Certified Plumbing Contractor license and the Registered Plumbing Contractor license.

The former is enough to work anywhere in the state, while the latter only qualifies plumbers to work in certain localities. Plumbers in Jacksonville may also choose to get certified to improve their career opportunities.

Top Plumbing Schools in Jacksonville, Florida

Below are some of the top plumbing schools in and around Jacksonville:

1. Florida State College

Florida State College in Jacksonville remains one of the premier destinations for high-quality plumbing education in the city and across the state. Students will acquire training for 12 months, including 145 hours of instruction.

The program is flexible, and courses are selected based on particular careers. Generally, however, students will learn waste services, water systems, building plans, hot water distribution, plumbing history, and even basic mathematics.

To be admitted, candidates must have a high school diploma and GED. Those who graduate successfully can apply for the state licensing exam.

The program is known to have a very affordable tuition cost, which usually falls slightly above $2000 (including tuition and instructional materials such as books and plumbing tools).

2. Jacksonville Plumbers and Pipefitters Joint Apprenticeship and Training Trust

The Jacksonville Plumbers and Pipefitters Joint Apprenticeship and Training Trust offers one of the most comprehensive training programs for aspiring plumbers in Jacksonville. In an apprenticeship program, students can look forward to rigorous hands-on training with professional supervision.

Unlike most apprenticeship programs, this program offers college credit and additional job placement assistance after graduation. The 45 college credit hours received from the program can then be used towards securing a degree in plumbing and furthering one’s career.

Jacksonville’s UA Local 234 union created the program.

3. South Florida Institute of Technology

Founded in 1997, the South Florida Institute of Technology offers many incredible technology programs, including building constructor technology and plumbing technology.

The plumbing technology program covers different technical aspects of plumbing, including fixtures and faucets, water heating, system sizing, troubleshooting, waste, and vent systems. Still, it also includes a great deal of administrative topics such as plumbing business administration, communications, and of course, safety and regulation.

Students will have to study for three terms, lasting about 63 weeks.

4. Miami Lakes Educational Center & Technical College

Miami Lakes Educational Center & Technical College is known for its excellent technical programs, of which plumbing is a part.

Students learn to carry out various plumbing activities, including pipe fitting, residential and commercial plumbing, and different plumbing application scenarios. They also learn to read building construction documents and analyze building codes for proper layout and installation.

The program can be completed in 18 months, and students get to train for about 1080 course hours. Those who enroll in the part-time program may take longer.