Masonry Schools in Raleigh

The best training institutions for career as a masonry worker in Raleigh, North Carolina, find a perfect balance between classroom instruction and hands-on training. For an even more robust training experience, it is common to see some top programs in and around the city strike partnerships with apprenticeship programs.

Below, we look at some top training institutions for future masonry workers in Raleigh, North Carolina, that operate at such a high educational standard.

We have also provided a detailed but concise overview of what to expect from these institutions regarding curriculum, duration, instructor capabilities, and more.

How to Become a Masonry Worker in Raleigh

The steps involved in becoming a masonry worker in Raleigh, North Carolina, include possessing a high school diploma or GED, enrolling in a training program, acquiring certification, and acquiring a North Carolina masonry contractor license.

A high-school diploma or GED is necessary to gain admission into a training program, either an academic or an apprenticeship program. Certification for a mason in Raleigh is usually not mandatory but can offer several benefits, including better employment opportunities and job growth.

Lastly, masons in North Carolina are expected to obtain a license from the North Carolina Licensing Board before taking on large contracts. Getting this license involves passing a 50-question licensing exam. Read more about the stepin our detailed guide on ** ** how to become a mason in North Carolina

Top Masonry Schools in Raleigh, North Carolina

Below are some notable masonry training programs in and around Raleigh for aspiring masons in the city to consider.

Durham Tech

Durham Technical College offers a construction trades program with entry-level training for a handful of trade areas, including masonry. Students learn fundamental topics in blueprint reading, construction estimating, and mortar mixing.

They will also learn about essential masonry materials and application methods for residential walls and veneers.

Along with classroom instruction, accepted applicants will practice what they have learned by working on bricks and cinder blocks.

It is worth mentioning that this program is a non-credit program. It is, however, an excellent way to start your career and earn a recognized certification in several trade categories.

Craven Community College

Craven Community College, located in New Bern and Havelock, offers both a masonry level 1 and a masonry level 2 program designed to prepare students for basic and advanced masonry positions, respectively.

These programs adhere to the NCCER certification standard, and thanks to their highly hands-on nature, students get to spend a lot of time in the laboratory putting their drawing interpretation and residential masonry skills to work.

They will also learn about blueprint reading, making residential plans, masonry openings, metal works construction, inspection, advanced plastering techniques, and quality control.

Graduating from the level 1 program requires 195 training hours, while the level 2 program requires 52.5 hours. Those who complete the program receive the NCCER masonry level 1 and 2 certification, respectively.

Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College

Aspiring masonry workers in Raleigh who want to take on a more supervisory role may consider the construction management technology program at AB Tech Community College.

The program involves significant training in a handful of masonry topics, but it typically covers so much more, including supervising, managing, and inspecting buildings, facilities, and construction sites.

Along with understanding sustainable building and design by reading blueprints and building codes, the program also focuses heavily on safety.

Candidates get to choose between the degree program and the certificate program. While the degree program includes 73 credit hours, the certificate program has only 18.

Cape Fear Community College

Cape Fear Community College in Wilmington is known to have an array of quality masonry courses for aspiring masonry workers in the area. As with most of the school’s technical programs, the masonry courses tend to incorporate a lot of workshop training hours, where students are guided by qualified instructors who have accrued several years of experience working as licensed masons.

By the time they graduate, accepted applicants will have acquired all the fundamental skills needed to start their careers with notable companies in the area.

Wayne Community College

Wayne Community College in Goldsboro holds several brick masonry courses every year. These programs are usually part of the college’s workforce continuing education division and include hands-on training and classroom instructions. Classes are typically held between Mondays to Thursdays at the Little Washington Community Center in Goldsboro.