Masonry Worker Schools in Newark

Launching a successful career as a masonry worker in Newark, New Jersey, is only possible with proper training at the right institution. Luckily for aspiring masonry workers in the city, there is no shortage of wonderful training programs to enroll in.

Below, we briefly look at the steps in starting a masonry career in Newark before diving into the best destinations to receive top-class training in and around the city.

We have also ensured that all the entries on our list adhere to a high-quality standard and have a history of producing successful graduates in the field.

How to Become a Masonry Worker in Newark

The first step to become a masonry worker in Newark is to have a high school diploma or GED. Candidates may then obtain training in an apprenticeship program before seeking employment.

Community colleges and trade schools also offer academic programs, and these institutions may also have apprenticeship arrangements of their own.

In Newark and New Jersey, masonry workers are not expected to obtain a license before securing employment. To improve their appeal to employers, however, they may consider certification such as the Certified Bricklayer credential offered by the National Concrete Masonry Association.

Explore Detailed Steps and Certification Requirements:

Top Masonry Worker Schools in Newark, New Jersey

The following are some of the top masonry schools in and around Newark, New Jersey.

Union County Vocational-Technical Schools

Union County Vocational-Technical Schools offers technical and trade programs for interested individuals in New Jersey. Luckily, the school also offers a top-quality masonry program supported by the NCCER and the ABC for future masonry workers in the area.

The curriculum used is based on NCCER standards, and the school tries as much as possible to help students practice what they are being taught even though, as expected, most of the emphasis is placed on classroom instructions.

Located in Scotch Plains, candidates who graduate from this program may consolidate their learning through on-the-job experience working on actual job sites.

Bordentown International Masonry Institute

Bordentown International Masonry Institute in Bordentown offers a top-quality training program for aspiring masonry workers anywhere in New Jersey. Located on Route 206, South Bordentown, the program uses IMI (International Masonry Institute) curriculum to bring up future masons and help them acquire the skills they will need to enjoy a successful career on the job.

The program tries as much as possible to incorporate hands-on training while ensuring students are theoretically sound. Classes are overseen by experienced instructors who are practicing masons themselves.

Bricklayers And Allied Craftworkers Local 4

BAC Local 4 in Fairfield offers an apprenticeship program for future masonry workers. Like all masonry apprenticeship training programs, students who enroll here will enjoy a lot of hands-on training under the tutelage of masons who have achieved much success in the field.

Overseen by the Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee, the Bricklayers And Allied Craftworkers also remain one of the most prominent unions, which means that the graduates of this program will naturally enjoy a strong connection with the wider masonry industry.

They may even leverage this connection to secure job placement upon graduation.

Sussex County Community College

Sussex County Community College offers a notable training program for candidates looking to attend post-secondary academic institutions for their masonry training. However, this program teaches more than masonry. Still, it employs a general building construction curriculum that teaches the fundamentals of building construction technology and mixes it with many creative problem-solving and ethical principles.

Graduates of the program will be able to work in various fields. They would have developed important skills such as blueprint interpretation, schematics, effective communication, problem-solving, professional conduct, ethical working practices, and teamwork.

New Jersey Institute of Technology

New Jersey Institute of Technology is another prominent destination for future masons in Newark, New Jersey, to acquire high-quality training. However, this program is more fitting for those who would like to take a management position than an actual fieldworker.

The program teaches individuals how to work as construction managers, focusing on the administrative aspect of contracting and relating to the construction industry.

The focus topics include contractor organization and management, financial planning, and construction’s legal aspects/implications. Students will also learn about environmental engineering and other key topics in domestic building and heavy highway projects.

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