HVAC Technician Schools in Houston

Finding a high-quality trade/vocational school remains one of the most critical steps any aspiring HVAC technician in Texas must take. There are many benefits to being an HVAC technician in Texas, but these will most likely only be possible with proper training.

Luckily, there is plenty of HVAC technician training programs in Texas. And of these, a lot are of a high enough standard to be considered among the best in the country. Recognizing and filtering the best from the rest can be challenging, but you don’t have to worry - because that is where the list below comes in.

Here you’ll find some of Texas’s best HVAC technician training programs, all vetted for quality and comprehensiveness.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in Houston

Aspiring HVAC technicians in Texas often consider one of two options when starting their careers. The first option is finding employment with only a high school diploma or GED. This way, all the skills and knowledge they’ll need will be acquired on the job.

While this approach is the fastest, it is usually much harder to secure employment this way, and those who do most likely will earn a reasonable salary once their training is complete.

On the other hand, those who wish to have an edge over fellow technicians often go through a formal training program before seeking employment.

Lastly, HVAC training and apprentice program graduates must register with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation before practicing professionally.

Top HVAC Technician Schools in Houston, Texas

Finally, having explored the general path to becoming an HVAC technician in Houston, here are several notable training programs to consider in and around the city.

1. Houston Community College

HVAC technology students at Houston Community College can choose between various specialized programs, including two distinct certificate programs and an associate of applied science program. All of these programs focus on teaching new technologies in the HVAC.

Graduates can practice professionally with the confidence that they have acquired all the knowledge they need to be successful on the job.

As mentioned above, the certificate program is divided into two categories - the basic and advanced certificates. The basic certificate consists of 21 credits, while the advanced certificate program consists of 42 credit hours. Both can be completed in a year.

The associate of applied science degree program comprises 60 credit hours and can be completed in 2 years.

2. Tulsa Welding School and Technology Center

Tulsa Welding School and Technology Center is another popular destination for aspiring HVAC technicians in Houston, Texas. The program is famous thanks to its flexible course scheduling and hands-on training.

Students here learn the fundamentals of refrigeration, comfort systems, and advanced troubleshooting techniques. The Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges accredits the school.

The entire program can be completed in seven months.

3. San Jacinto College

Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, San Jacinto College offers HVAC technology students the opportunity to choose between a certificate and an associate degree program. Students of each program acquire the entry-level skills they’ll need to get started as HVAC technicians.

Those who enroll for the associate degree program should be ready to complete 60 credit hours focusing on refrigeration principles, gas and electrical heating, and advanced electricity for HVAC, among others.

The program takes four semesters to complete.

4. Lincoln College of Technology

Lincoln College of Technology teaches HVAC technology with a focus on green technology. Located in Grand Prairie, the program consists of 44.5 credit hours and can be completed in about 47 weeks.

Students here become familiar with critical topics such as energy efficiency, green technology systems, commercial refrigeration design, air conditioning design and layout, and introduction to climate control systems.

5. Lone Star College

Lastly, Lone Star College is another viable alternative for aspiring HVAC technicians in Houston. A respectable institution with many experienced instructors, the school offers four categories of HVAC technology training, including three certificate programs and an associate of applied science degree.