HVAC Technician Schools in Charlotte

HVAC technicians help improve our quality of life by improving the quality of our air conditioning systems. Before they can perform their duties at the very highest level, HVAC technicians must undergo rigorous training and test their skills in real-world scenarios before moving on to seek out contracts on their own.

This is true for HVAC technicians nationwide, and prospective HVAC technicians in Charlotte, North Carolina, are no different.

Through the list below, aspiring HVAC technicians in the state should find the options concerning the most prominent training schools in and around the city to enroll in. All entries below guarantee comprehensive coursework with beautiful facilities and a team of experienced instructors to learn from.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in Charlotte

HVAC technicians in Charlotte, North Carolina, must attend a training program or acquire enough work experience under the supervision of a licensed technician before they can start working in the city.

Usually, the training programs — be it a formal training program or an apprenticeship program — require a high school diploma or GED for admission to be granted.

Additionally, candidates must acquire a license from the state, an EPA certification to work with refrigerants, and an OSHA certification to prove proficiency in safety measures.

NATE certifications also come in handy for more job and career opportunities.

Top HVAC Technician Schools in Charlotte, North Carolina

Now that you know what’s required to become an HVAC technician in Charlotte, North Carolina, below are some of the most notable programs in and around the city to consider.

1. North Carolina Community College

At North Carolina Community College, students can enroll in any one of 59 campuses located all around the state. The school’s HVAC technology programs are available on Shelby, Greensboro, Salisbury, Statesville, and Albemarle campuses.

If they ever wish to pursue those degrees, students who enroll in the certificate program may transfer their credits to the diploma or degree programs. Classes occur during the day and the evening, and options are available for part-time or full-time sessions.

Students are also given access to practical hands-on learning in the laboratory and classroom lectures.

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools for all Colleges accredited the school. HVAC Excellence and PAHRA accredit the programs.

2. Ferris State University

Individuals looking for a long-distance HVAC training option would consider the HVAC program at Ferris State University. The school provides enough flexibility in terms of schedule to ensure that students can proceed at their own pace.

Most of the courses are online, but provision is made for a laboratory session on the main campus to ensure that students get enough hands-on training. These laboratory sessions last for a week.

The focus topics include equipment designing, servicing, systems balancing, and retrofitting.

The Higher Learning Commission accredits the school, while the program’s general competition time is two years.

3. Excelsior College

Aspiring HVAC technicians who apply for the program at Excelsior College will enjoy a comprehensive curriculum focusing on the electronics aspect of HVAC Technology.

Here, they will become familiar with critical electricity and digital circuits, power systems, and computer programming topics. All in all, the program requires 60 credit hours of training to graduate.

4. Goodwill Construction Skills Training Center

The Goodwill Construction Skills Training Center collaborates with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, Central Piedmont Community College, and the Rebuilding Opportunities in Construction Organization. The program was created to help high school youths and adults who wish to enter the HVAC industry.

Training lasts for 11 weeks, with classes taking place in the evening. Instructions are provided by certified instructors on topics such as piping, electrical safety, HVAC components, and more.

5. Global Vocational Training Center

The Global Vocational Training Center is certified by the National Center Construction Education Research Board (NCCER) and is based in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The program was created to serve individuals from all walks of life, including high school students, graduates, adults looking to start working again, former prison inmates, and more.