HVAC Technician Schools in New York City

Residents of New York City who wish to become HVAC technicians enjoy the luxury of choosing between HVAC schools in the area that are among the best in the country.

But even though it’s a luxury to have so many options, it can be a burden sometimes to narrow down the best among a pool of choices. Luckily, that is where we come in.

In the list below, you’ll find our selection of the very best among the best HVAC technician training programs in and around New York City. We have also included a few words to familiarize you with what to expect regarding program quality, duration, coursework, and admission requirements.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in New York City

New York City HVAC technicians choose to complete an apprenticeship or enroll in a college/trade school program. To do so, they must already have a high school diploma or GED.

After completing the training, whether it’s an apprenticeship or a community college, HVAC technicians in New York must obtain a handful of licenses from their specific city or municipality.

Usually, they are also expected to be licensed by the NYC Department of Buildings and the Fire Department of New York.

As mentioned, different municipalities have distinct requirements, so it’s always good to check with your local body after graduation.

Top HVAC Technician Schools in New York City

Now that we’re familiar with the steps needed to become an HVAC technician in New York City, the following are some of the most popular training programs to consider in and around the city.

1. Suffolk County Community College

Suffolk County Community College is one of the most popular training destinations for aspiring HVAC technicians in New York. Accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, the school offers two distinct HVAC technology programs.

The first is an associate of applied science degree program, while the second is a basic certificate program. The Associate of applied science degree program consists of 66 credits and can be completed in two years. The certificate program comprises 34 credits and can be completed in a year or less.

Topics include electricity, technical writing, interpersonal communication, diagnostics, and air conditioning systems.

2. Apex Technical College

Apex Technical College in Long Island is another viable alternative for those seeking a high-quality HVAC training program in New York. The school offers an air conditioning, refrigeration, and appliance controls program for residential and commercial HVAC fields.

The program includes 900 hours of coursework that can be concluded in seven months. The Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges accredits the school.

At the end of the program, students leave with high-level competence in the maintenance and repair of commercial and residential HVAC systems.

3. WSWHE Boces/Myers Education Center

Without a doubt, one of the best and most popular HVAC training programs in New York, WSWHE Boces/Myers Education Center in Saratoga Springs, boasts high-quality instructors and comprehensive coursework for aspiring HVAC technicians.

The program lasts two years and includes topics in residential plumbing, commercial plumbing, air conditioning principles, electrical principles, and many more.

4. Electrical Training Center Inc.

Based in Copiague, New York, the Electrical Training Center’s HVAC technology program is perfect for those without experience looking to acquire a solid theoretical knowledge foundation to build a successful career.

The program includes 600 hours of coursework with topics in mathematics, troubleshooting, metering devices, introduction to cooling, and more.

All of these can be completed in 20 weeks for those attending the day session and 27 weeks for those enrolled in the evening session.

5. Isaac Heating & Air Conditioning University

The last option on our list of the best HVAC technician training programs for New York residents is the Isaac Heating & Air Conditioning University in Rochester. The school and its HVAC training programs are notable for their PAHRA accreditation and impressive 3000 square feet training laboratory.

Students can enroll in the 12-week boot camp program or the employee program, which takes four years to complete.

Isaac Heating & Air Conditioning University boasts 75 NATE-certified technicians, more than any other company nationwide.