HVAC Technician Schools in Detroit

Numerous factors determine whether or not an aspiring HVAC technician in Detroit, Michigan, will become successful on the job. Of all these factors, the most important is the level of training received beforehand.

Those who acquire high-level training from high-quality training programs are more confident on the job and versatile. If you are an aspiring HVAC technician in Detroit looking for the right institution to attain this level of training, then you have come to the right page.

Below is a comprehensive list containing the best and most notable training programs for future HVAC technicians in and around the city. We have also included a few words on why they deserve your time and attention.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in Detroit

Just as it is in most states and cities in the country, HVAC technicians in Detroit are not mandated by law to have advanced degrees before they can practice professionally. This means that aspiring HVAC technicians in the city can simply acquire training on the job by enrolling in an apprenticeship program.

Nonetheless, those who wish to obtain advanced certificates and degrees may also choose to do so by enrolling in a trade school or college program.

After training, the next important step in becoming an HVAC technician in Detroit is to become licensed. Candidates must be at least 18 years old and must attain a passing score of at least 70% in a licensing exam to receive their license.

From here, they may obtain more essential certifications such as NATE, OSHA, and EPA.

Top HVAC Technician Schools in Detroit, Michigan

These are a few of the Top HVAC Technician schools in Detroit, Michigan:

1. Wayne County Community College

Wayne County Community College is one of the premier destinations for acquiring high-level HVAC training in the Detroit area. The school has numerous campuses located all across the city.

It also boasts of incredible programs in medical and technical fields, of which its HVAC technology programs are a part. Candidates interested in these programs may opt for either the associate degree or the certificate program, wherein they will become familiar with topics including an introduction to HVAC systems and components, blueprint reading, and intermediate algebra courses.

They will also learn about essential refrigeration and controls. The program can be completed in two years within five semesters.

2. Henry Ford College

Undoubtedly, one of the most popular and most trusted institutions in Detroit, Henry Ford College, is another viable destination for obtaining high-level HVAC training under the tutelage of excellent instructors with ample experience.

The school’s HVAC program used to offer an associate degree but currently offers a certificate. Still, the courses are rigorous enough and include 36 hours of industrial safety and energy technology training, among many others.

Generally, the school specifies that the program can be completed in two years, but those who wish to fast-track their training can do so by taking more classes every semester to finish within a year.

3. Macomb Community College

The Macomb Community College Center Campus offers high-level training for aspiring HVAC technicians in Detroit and around the state. What sets the program apart is focusing more on an industrial approach to HVAC technology.

For instance, it incorporates climate control principles into its training.

Students can choose between an associate degree program or a certificate program, all in climate technology.

Those who choose the associate degree program will have to study for 62 hours spanning multiple semesters. The focus will be on air conditioning fundamentals, heating systems, duct layout, and more.

4. Oakland Community College

The Auburn Hills Campus of Oakland Community College offers advanced training programs for aspiring HVAC technicians nationwide.

They decide between the associate degree and a handful of certificate programs. The certificate programs can be completed in months, while the assistant program takes around two years.

The latter also consists of 52 credit hours and includes topics including HVAC controls, troubleshooting, maintenance, heating technology, HVAC components, and commercial refrigeration.