HVAC Technician Schools in Illinois

A career as an HVAC technician in Illinois can be thrilling and fulfilling while bringing in impressive yearly income. An HVAC technician must install, repair, upgrade, and maintain an array of air quality systems.

Before starting the job, prospective HVAC technicians must have gone through several steps, including fulfilling the essential educational requirement and attending a worthwhile training program.

There are more to these steps, of course, and it can all get overwhelming, particularly if you need to become more familiar with them from the start. To that end, we have provided a guide below containing everything you need to know to start your journey to becoming an HVAC technician in Illinois and have the best time.

How to Become an HVAC Technician in Illinois

Step 1: High School Diploma or GED

HVAC technicians in Illinois have two training alternatives to consider on their path to becoming practicing professionals in the state. But before then, it is usually advisable to possess at least a high school diploma or a GED.

This makes admission easier regardless of the training option chosen.

Step 2A: Formal Training

The first possible alternative to becoming an HVAC technician in Illinois is to go through a formal training program offered by a college or vocational school. Even though it’s not mandated by law, most choose to do so because it provides a standardized environment to learn the fundamentals of the field before moving on to the real world to practice what has been taught.

Additionally, employers tend to look favorably at candidates with some form of formal training.

Step 2B: Apprenticeship

Enrolling in an apprenticeship program is the second possible alternative to becoming an HVAC technician in Illinois. This is possible because the state of Illinois still needs to have advanced degree requirements for its HVAC technicians.

Unions and local associations offer apprenticeship programs that can be completed in 3 to 5 years.

Combination Programs

Aspiring HVAC technicians who wish to get the best of both worlds can acquire formal training at a vocational school and training from an apprenticeship.

Those who have completed a vocational school usually spend less time in an apprenticeship program and would have acquired a complete education by the time they’re done with both.

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Top HVAC Technician Schools in Illinois

Below are some of the top HVAC technician schools in Illinois:

1. Elgin Community College

Elgin Community College is located outside of Chicago and offers a high-quality HVAC technology program wherein students can choose between multiple certificate programs and an associate degree program.

Topics of focus include blueprint reading, commercial and residential air conditioning, and basic electricity.

2. Coyne College

At Coyne College, students enroll in a comprehensive HVAC technology program with a history of producing numerous successful graduates. The program lasts 42 weeks and includes topics like commercial controls and applications, gas heating, and introduction to mechanical refrigeration systems.

Notable Mentions

Other notable HVAC technology programs for Chicago, Illinois residents include the HVAC Technology programs at the John A Logan College in Carterville and the Oakton Community College in Des Plaines.

Midwest Technical Institute in Springfield, Richland Community College in Decatur, and Waubonsee Community College in Sugar Grove all also have excellent HVAC Technology programs accredited by HVAC Excellence.

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Licensure and Certification Requirements

HVAC technicians in Illinois can start taking on contracts and working professionally without a statewide license. They need their high school diploma and proper training, and they’re good to go.

That said, even though there are no statewide licensing requirements, it is still possible for specific cities and municipalities within Illinois to have their licensing requirement.

For instance, in Chicago, HVAC technicians may have to obtain a license depending on the value of their projects. Some projects may also require certification, like the EPA 608 certification for working with refrigerants.

NATE certifications may also come in handy for more career opportunities.

Salary and Job Outlook

An aspiring HVAC technician in Illinois may look forward to an annual average salary of around $57,820, about 7% higher than the national average. Experienced technicians can earn even higher than this and scale up to $91,077 in annual average earnings.

However, entry-level technicians in the state usually begin with an annual average salary closer to $36,707. Earning as high as $6,750 per year in overtime is also possible.

Arlington Heights remains the highest-paying city for HVAC technicians in Illinois, with an annual average salary of $87,499. Plainfield and Schaumburg follow with average yearly wages of $78,392 and $73,850 respectively.

Highland Park and Elgin round out the top five with annual average salaries of $63,363 and $63,292 per year, respectively.

HVAC technicians in Chicago earn an annual average salary of $61,227.