Electrician Schools in Dallas

Dallas, Texas, and the areas around it are home to some of the country’s very best electrician training schools. What’s more, there are numerous options, including college, trade school, and apprenticeship programs, among others.

And even though having such an array of options is generally good, it can sometimes get overwhelming to sift through the list and pick the best among them.

You don’t have to worry, however, because we have done the bulk of the job on your behalf below. In the following list, you will find some of the most noteworthy electrician training programs in and around Dallas, Texas.

First, however, here is a general overview of the steps involved in becoming an electrician in Dallas.

How to Become an Electrician in Dallas

To start practicing as a professional electrician in Dallas, candidates must have graduated from an electrician training program. In this regard, there are usually two options.

The first is to enroll in a formal training program organized by a trade school/college, while the second option is to apply for an apprenticeship program organized by unions or other approved entities.

After completing a training program, the next step is to apply for a license with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. This step involves a $20 registration fee.

Candidates must then sit for their journeyman electrician license. After working for two years, a journeyman electrician can move on to apply for a master electrician license.

Top Electrician Schools in Dallas, Texas

Now that you know what to expect on your journey toward becoming an electrician in Dallas, here are some of the most prominent institutions to consider.

1. North Lake College

Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, North Lake College in Irving has an array of excellent electrical technology programs that would be a fantastic destination for anyone interested in becoming an electrician anywhere in the state.

Students can choose between an Electrical Technology Certificate program and an associate degree program. Both programs occur on the Irving campus and involve numerous hands-on laboratory sessions to consolidate classroom instructions.

2. San Jacinto Community College

San Jacinto Community College is one of the most popular post-secondary institutions in the state and is home to a beautiful Electrical Technology program.

Students who enroll in this program can choose between a handful of alternatives, including an Occupational Certificate program with 15 credits and a level 1 Certificate of Technology program with 39 credits.

Students may also go for the level 2 certificate of technology program consisting of 45 credits or the associate of applied science degree in Electrical Technology program containing 60 credits.

The program also offers two skills certificates designed to prepare working electricians for the master electrician exams.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

3. Houston Community College

Houston Community College is another beautiful destination for aspiring electricians anywhere in Texas. The school offers two certificate programs with comprehensive coursework designed to prepare students for a successful career in industrial electricity.

Students will learn about crucial topics in electrical power technology, industrial automation technology, electrical helper, and solar photovoltaic systems.

Texas has five Registered Apprenticeship College Consortium (RACC) schools, and Houston Community College is one of them.

4. Lone Star College

Lone star college in the Woodlands has been producing successful electricians for years thanks to its high-quality electrical training program. Graduates of this program not only get to receive a certificate from the school itself but also certification from the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER).

Of course, certification can be vital in a young electrician’s career, making them more appealing to employers and even leading to a higher starting salary.

Lone Star College is another one of five Registered Apprenticeship College Consortium schools in Texas.

5. El Paso Community College

El Paso Community College offers a certificate program in Electronic Technology which takes place entirely on the El Paso campus. Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, the school boasts over 28,000 students and high-quality instructors.

Students applying for the Electrical Technology program can look forward to rigorous classroom training and laboratory sessions for hands-on practice.

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