Electrician Schools in Portland

To become an electrician in Portland, Oregon, you must attend a proper training school. Choosing the right electrician training school, however, can be quite challenging - but it doesn’t have to be.

Once you understand the things to look out for, the entire process becomes a lot smoother. Among other things, electrician schools have the best facilities, world-class instructors, and a focus on integrating hands-on training with classroom sessions.

To make selecting a training school easier, we have provided below a comprehensive list of the most prominent electrician schools in Portland, Oregon. Ultimately, you must narrow the list even further, but these should be a wonderful starting point.

How to Become an Electrician in Portland

Before we go into the best training options for aspiring electricians in Portland, it is worth mentioning how to begin the journey in the first place.

To become an electrician in Portland, you need a license from the Oregon Building Codes Division Office (BCD). This is for electricians who will be working as non-contactors.

For electricians who will be working directly as contractors, they will have to obtain additional licenses from the Oregon Construction Contractors Board.

Of course, before all this, an aspiring electrician must first obtain the right level of training. This can be done from a trade school or an apprenticeship program.

We list some of the most noteworthy options in this regard below.

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Top Electrician Schools in Portland, Oregon

1. Portland Community College

12000 SW 49th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97219 - 7132

Portland Community College remains one of the most prominent institutions in Oregon for aspiring electricians nationwide. The school offers a certificate program and an associate’s degree program in electrical and computer engineering.

Candidates are advised to complete the associate’s degree program, but of course, the certificate program is enough to provide the fundamental knowledge needed to pursue a career, possibly after obtaining a level of real-world training through an apprenticeship program.

Just as it is with most programs in the state, students who apply here must be at least 18 years old and already possess a high school diploma or GED.

2. Lane Community College

4000 East 30th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97405

Lane Community College in Eugene is another veritable destination for aspiring electricians in Oregon. Again, students here may go for either a basic certificate or an associate degree.

Both are valid for seeking employment afterward, but of course, the latter includes more comprehensive coursework.

A unique and impressive aspect of learning to become an electrician at Lane Community College is that the school offers an apprenticeship program with paid employment and progressive wage increase.

The requirements for both programs are that applicants must be at least 18 years old, possess a high school diploma or GED, and have one year of high school algebra or GED equivalent.

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3. Umpqua Community College

1140 Umpqua College Road, Roseburg, Oregon 97470 - 0226

Students can learn the crucial skills needed to become successful electricians at Umpqua Community College through various options. Along with the degree programs, students may go with the school’s apprenticeship arrangement.

Either way, the programs allow for specialization in fields such as electrical technology, manufacturing plant technology, and inside electrician, among others.

4. Clackamas Community College

19600 Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045 - 8980

Clackamas Community College has three campuses in Oregon for additional flexibility. All three campuses have facilities for students to learn the fundamentals of becoming successful electricians.

The program itself is an associate’s degree in electronics engineering technology that can be completed in a matter of two years. Besides learning enough to pursue entry-level employment, graduates may also enroll in apprenticeship programs to further consolidate their knowledge.

The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities accredits Clackamas Community College.

5. Other Notable Mentions

Other notable electrician schools in and around Portland, Oregon, include the associate degree program in electrician apprenticeship technologies from the Clatsop Community College in Astoria, Mt Hood Community College in Gresham, and Rogue Community College in Grant Pass.

Linn-Benton Community College in Albany is another noteworthy alternative with great flexibility.

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