Electrician Schools in Nevada

Nevada remains one of the most appealing states for aspiring electricians. Among other things, there are tons of demands for electricians in the state, and they’re rewarded with an annual average salary that ranks among the highest in the country.

As with any state, the journey to becoming a successful electrician in Nevada begins with training. Luckily, there is plenty of options for specific institutions where this training can be obtained.

There are also additional steps to complete before you can practice as an electrician in Nevada. We will look at these facets and more in the sections below.

How to Become an Electrician in Nevada

Thanks to the high level of technicality involved in the job, most electrician schools in Nevada usually ask that their applicants already possess a high school diploma or GED. Familiarity with common subjects like Algebra, Physics, and English also comes in handy.

Once admission has been secured, students may spend the next year learning the core fundamentals that they’ll inevitably put to use once they graduate. It is also possible to enroll in an apprenticeship afterward, combining classroom instruction with on-the-job training and real-time mentorship from established professionals.

Lastly, once all of the above steps are complete, aspiring electricians in Nevada may take the state license test and begin their careers.

Top Electrician Schools in Nevada

The top electrician schools in Nevada all possess quality instructors, thorough coursework, and a serene learning environment. Below are some of the most notable among them.

1. College of Southern Nevada

6375 W Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89146 - 1164

First on our list of the most notable schools for electricians in Nevada is the City College of Southern Nevada - and for good reasons too. The school is not only one of the best for electricians but for technical programs in general.

It has more than 189 programs to offer in two different locations: the Las Vegas campus and the Henderson campus.

Along with being able to select which campus they wish to attend, students also get to choose which degree/courses to go with. The options available here are the Residential Electrician Certificate of Achievement program and the Inside Wireman associate.

While the former requires 30 hours of credit, the latter requires 60 hours. The school is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges.

2. Great Basin College

1500 College Parkway, Elko, Nevada 89801

Accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges, Great Basin College offers a veritable destination for interested students to acquire a strong foundation in the fundamentals of electricity and electrical systems.

Again, students can choose between a certificate and an associate’s degree in electrical systems. The faculty often advise the associate’s degree as the better option.

Lastly, it is also worth mentioning the coursework incorporates a great deal of hands-on training along with its classroom studies.

3. Truckee Meadows Community College

7000 Dandini Blvd., Reno, Nevada 89512 - 3999

Truckee Meadows Community College is another notable college to consider for aspiring electricians in Nevada. Its electrician program rivals many others in the state, as does its team of experienced instructors.

Among other things, students get to sharpen their mathematical skills and become familiar with several key concepts in electrical theory and practical applications of electric circuits.

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Licensure and Certification Requirements

According to the laws of Nevada, it’ll take at least 3 years of training for an individual to become licensed as a journeyman electrician in the state.

Of course, most of the training programs above require around 8000 hours of training on the job, along with classroom instructions, so this already creates a straightforward platform to achieve the licensing objective.

To apply for an electrician contractor’s license for businesses and individual contractors, the state also requires 4 years of experience as a journeyman, a foreman, or supervising employee.

As for the licensing exam, the entire thing is divided into two parts administered by the PSI. The total time allowed for test completion is 120 minutes.

Salary and Job Outlook

Electricians in Nevada earn an annual average salary of $68,453. The figure, about 12 percent higher than the national average, may not apply to entry-level professionals just starting. This group may earn a bit closer to around $45,655 per year.

For established professionals in the field, a figure closer to $102,635 is usually achievable. Sorting strictly by experience, electricians in Nevada with less than one year of experience usually earn around $64,420 while those with more than ten years of experience may earn as high as $79,057 on average.

Lastly, sorting by location, Henderson, Fallon, and North Las Vegas remain the highest-paying cities with annual average salaries of $132,147, $99,420, and $89,581, respectively. Electricians in Las Vegas earn an annual average salary of $63,070.

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