Electrician Schools in New York City

Electricians are professionals with an in-depth knowledge of electrical systems. They can leverage this knowledge to not only maintain and repair our electrical outlets and components, but they can also upgrade and fabricate these systems as well.

How to Become an Electrician in New York City

To become an electrician in New York City, you must enroll in a training program. This can either be a college, trade school, or technical school. While there are plenty of top-quality electrician schools in and around New York City, finding the best ones for you can be quite challenging sometimes.

To simplify things, we have provided below a comprehensive list of some of the best electrician schools in New York City, along with concise notes on what makes them worthy of consideration.

Top Electrician Schools in New York City, New York

1. The Borough of Manhattan Community College

199 Chambers Street c/o 25 Broad Street, New York, New York 1007

The Borough of Manhattan Community College offers one of the most intensive training programs for aspiring electricians in and around New York City. Based in lower Manhattan near Wall Street and Battery Park, the school’s electrician program can be completed in around 144 hours.

The coursework includes electrical theory, standard hardware devices, and a ton of virtual simulations. Topics such as lighting controls and energy efficiency, motor control and distributed control, intelligent wiring systems, thin wall conduit raceway systems, and low voltage systems, and key tools and equipment, are all treated extensively.

Students who graduate from the program can sit for and pass licensing tests in most jurisdictions.

2. The School for Cooperative Technical Education

321 E 96th St, New York, New York

Another extensive electrician training program in New York City, The School for Cooperative Technical Education, has been around for over three decades. In that time, they have produced experts in numerous trade fields, including electricians.

Part of the state’s Department of Education work-based learning program, students get to build strong theoretical and hands-on foundations in topics such as rigid conduit raceway systems installation, panels floor duct installation, motor control center installation, installing splicing and terminating wires/cables, among others.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

3. Sunset Technology Center

207 West 29th St. Unit 410, New York, New York 10001

Sunset Technology Center has been around for more than 20 years and boasts strong programs in HVAC, solar panels, plumbing, and, of course, electricity.

Designed specifically for Latin students in and around New York, instructors here pass across valuable knowledge in cable tray installation, lighting system installation, testing and troubleshooting, motors, alarm, and security systems.

Sunset Technology Center’s residential and commercial electricity program can be completed in sixteen weeks. Students are given a certificate of completion upon graduation.

4. NYC College of Technology

186 Jay Street, Voorhees Hall, Brooklyn, New York 11201

At the New York City college of Technology, students may enroll in the associate’s degree program offered by the school’s Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering Technology department.

  • By the time they’re done with the program, graduates will leave with in-depth knowledge of a handful of crucial topics such as trade math, safety and health awareness, blueprint reading and sketching, project layout and planning, trade electrical theory, national electric code, and the New York electric code among many others.

The program, of course, is certified by ABET and has a few requirements, including the provision that applicants must be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma, and be sound in basic mathematics and algebra.

5. Electrical Training Course

32 E 31st St #8, New York, New York

Based in mid-Manhattan, the Electrical Training Course remains one of the oldest electrician training programs in New York City, boasting top-class instructors and a wonderful facility where students can learn not only the key theoretical topics in electrical theories and systems but also put their knowledge to the test through hands-on training.

Having existed for more than sixty years, students get to draw upon a rich tradition that has produced so many successful trade masters in the past.

By the time they graduate, students will have learned and demonstrated expertise in sound and communication systems installation, installing fiber-optic and tele data cables, and mechanical fastening, among others.

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