Electrician Schools in Tampa

Electrician training programs offer extensive training in fundamental topics that aspiring electricians need to perform their duties to the highest level. Luckily for residents of Tampa, Florida, there are several high-quality electrician training programs in and around the city.

Of course, simply because the options exist does not mean they are easy to find. But you don’t have to worry because that is precisely why we have created this resource.

In the list below, you will find some of the most prominent electrician training programs in and around Tampa. These programs offer comprehensive coursework, experienced instructors, and state-of-the-art workshops/laboratories for hands-on training and practical sessions.

How to Become an Electrician in Tampa

An essential step in becoming an electrician in Tampa is acquiring proper education from a vocational school or an apprenticeship program. Both of these pathways are viable for obtaining a state license eventually.

Usually, apprenticeship and formal training programs ask candidates to be at least 18 years old and possess a high school diploma or GED before applying.

To obtain a license in Tampa, an electrician must have acquired 8000 hours of electrical experience through a training program. Those who fulfill these requirements will then officially take the journeyman certification exams to secure employment. After working for two years, they can sit for the master electrician examination.

Top Electrician Schools in Tampa, Florida

Now that we understand the pathway to becoming an electrician in Tampa, below are some notable institutions to consider in and around the city.

1. Erwin Technical College

Erwin Technical College in Tampa is one of the premier postsecondary institutions in the state and is a beautiful alternative for aspiring electricians in Tampa to consider.

All of the training for electricians is held at the Tampa campus, and students can look forward to learning the trade under the tutelage of experienced instructors who are ready to guide them through the theoretical and practical aspects of the job.

The Council on Occupational Education accredits the school and boasts about 717 students across multiple programs.

2. Southern Technical College

Southern Technical College offers aspiring electricians anywhere in Florida the chance to acquire an associate degree in Electrical Trades Technology at an institution boasting experienced instructors and state-of-the-art facilities.

This program is available in the school’s Brandon Campus and Orlando campuses.

By the time they are done, students will have acquired all the skills they need to begin their careers and thrive on the job. What’s more, the training can be completed in just 72 weeks.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

3. Lake Sumter State College

Another excellent option for aspiring electricians in Tampa to consider is the Electrical Technology program at Lake Sumter State College. The school offers multiple training alternatives, including two certificate programs and one for those wishing to graduate with an associate degree in Electrical Technology.

The certificate programs are divided into the Basic and Advanced Certificate courses. While students enrolled in the Basic Certificate program learn the skills needed to work as electrical line workers, the Advanced Certificate program provides even more extensive knowledge to hone those skills.

The associate degree program takes at least two years to complete and consists of 22 courses, including 65 credit hours for graduation.

4. Florida Electrical Apprenticeship and Training (FEAT)

Aspiring electricians looking for an apprenticeship option would do well to consider the program offered by Florida Electrical Apprenticeship and Training. The program teams up with numerous contractors and established electricians nationwide to provide students with extensive hands-on training and enough classroom instruction.

Students who enroll in the program should be prepared to attend classes twice a week for 8 semesters. They will spend around 2 to 4 years learning the trade before graduating.

The program offers flexibility for students attending classes in various locations across the state. To that end, classes are held in four locations across the state: South Orlando, Winter Garden, North Orlando, and Sanford.

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