Carpentry Schools in Philadelphia

There is more to a carpentry school than modern facilities and equipment. This is not to say that having up-to-date tools and equipment is not good. Still, for a program to stand out, other factors, such as the presence of an experienced faculty, rigorous hands-on training, industry connections, and more, must be considered.

And when it comes to carpentry schools in a city like Philadelphia, which is home to numerous high-quality programs, there are more advisable options than settling for a few of these factors.

Because we know how challenging it can be for an aspiring carpenter to analyze and sort through all of these criteria, we have provided the list below containing the most prominent carpenter schools in and around Philadelphia to help make the process a lot easier.

How to Become a Carpenter in Philadelphia

There are three broad steps involved in becoming a carpenter in Philadelphia. These include meeting the basic requirements, passing a training program, and acquiring real-world experience.

For the first part, fulfilling the essential requirement, all aspiring carpenters need to possess a high-school diploma or GED and be at least 17 years old.

For the training part of the process, they may choose to enroll in an apprenticeship program or a formal training program offered by colleges and vocational schools.

Lastly, to obtain real-world experience, aspiring carpenters who attended formal training programs may choose to combine their certificates with a little bit of hands-on training while working as a carpenter’s assistant before branching out to start their careers.

Top Carpentry Schools in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

1. Orleans Technical College

Orleans Technical College in Philadelphia offers a state-of-the-art carpentry job training program to prepare students for entry-level work as Carpenters.

Among other things, students are brought up on critical technical skills that employers around the area are specifically looking for. The class lasts for a total of 6 months and offers a diploma upon graduation.

The school is also known to have a strong connection with companies and organizations around the area, which makes job search more convenient.

Orlando Technical College is accredited by ACCSC (the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges).

2. Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology

Thaddeus Stevens College in Lancaster offers a Carpentry Technology program with clear objectives. Among other things, the school aims to bring up carpenters who are practically solid and technically so.

According to the program website, graduates of the carpentry program will be able to write clear and accurate technical reports, demonstrate fundamental manipulative skills of the trade, and interpret and formulate plans, codes, and specifications of their while being able to analyze specifications and contract drawings, among many other things.

The school also boasts state-of-the-art equipment and new technology to ensure that graduates can keep up with the growing technological trend of the industry.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

3. Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC)

CCAC offers a serious carpentry apprenticeship program that is undoubtedly one of the best in the state. This certificate program lasts four years and is provided by the Joint Apprenticeship Committee of the Building Trades and the Pennsylvania Department of Labor.

Students are taught how to work in commercial building construction and collaborate with other construction workers to achieve specific goals. A highlight of the program is that students not only graduate with the skills they need on the job, but the state will also award them their journeyman working papers upon completing the program.

Additionally, those who want to further their education may contribute their 28 academic units obtained through this program towards an associate degree in building construction.

4. Pennsylvania College of Technology

Pennsylvania College of Technology in Williamsport offers a Building Construction Technology program incorporating excellent hands-on carpentry training. Students learn about construction principles, materials, and project management. They also know how to use hand and power tools and fabricate complex structures from wood and other materials of interest. Graduates of the program may seek employment in several construction-related industries.

Notable Mentions

Other notable mentions include the Lincoln Technical Institute, Bucks County Community College, ML Woodworking, and the 1st Avenue Woodworking training program.

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