Auto Mechanic Schools in Burlington

Automotive mechanics are experts whose primary duties include repairing, maintaining, and upgrading the functions of automotive systems. To be able to do their jobs at the very highest level, auto mechanics must first obtain an extensive understanding of how these systems work.

And to do so, they must attend a specialized training program or complete an apprenticeship. Most people choose to do the former thanks to the advantages it offers. In case you would also like to consider enrolling in a training program, the guide below contains a list of some of the very best auto mechanic schools in and around Burlington, Vermont.

We also provide a quick look at some of the most important things you need to know before enrolling in a training program.

What to Know Before Enrolling in a Training Program in Burlington

Vermont boasts of a handful of training programs under the AYES program. AYES stands for Automotive Youth Educational System and aims to encourage students to pursue careers in automotive technology.

Some of these programs also partner with car dealerships and automotive associations to provide opportunities for students to intern or begin their careers.

Apart from the AYES programs, there is also a postsecondary program at the Vermont Technical College. We take a more in-depth look at all of these programs below.

Top Auto Mechanic Training Schools in Burlington

1. Vermont Technical College

124 Admin Drive, Randolph Center, VT 05061

The associate of applied science degree program in automotive technology at the Vermont Technical College is undoubtedly one of the most appealing in the state. The program encourages critical thinking and problem-solving through a combination of technical coursework with a clear philosophy and the principles of professional ethics.

The National Automotive Technician Education Foundation accredits the school’s automotive program and has a few scholarship options from the Vermont Automobile Dealers Association, AAA Northern New England, and Degree Completion Scholarship, among others.

As of July 1, 2023, the Vermont Technical College and two other institutions will become the Vermont State University.

2. Burlington Technical Center

29 Church Street LL Burlington VT 05401

Burlington Technical Center on Church Street has a highly comprehensive automotive science and technology program that can be completed in two years. The program meets every day for two hours and five days per week.

With a rigorous curriculum that seeks to prepare students for career opportunities or further studies in college, graduates of the program are known to excel not only in carrying out what they’ve been taught but also in understanding the scientific principles behind the application.

Among other things, students will learn how to troubleshoot common problems, utilize micrometers in problem-solving, understand vehicle manufacturer repair algorithms, and complete basic maintenance procedures.

Graduates of the program may pursue successful careers as auto technicians, automotive service advisors, industrial machine technicians, heavy equipment service technicians, and more.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

3. Southwest Vermont Career Development Center

Southwest VT Regional Technical School District

321 Park Street, Bennington, VT 05201

At the Southwest Vermont Career Development Center, students can enroll in a two-year program to learn the fundamentals of auto repair in great detail. The program prepares individuals who wish to enter the profession by exposing them to key automotive topics such as the mechanics of engines, troubleshooting for problem-solving, and exploring customer needs, among others.

One major benefit of the program is the chance it gives its students to specialize in areas such as diesel fuel mechanics, auto parts management, and parts and service technology.

Students also get to learn the best practices for safety and fuel systems.

4. Hartford Area Career and Technical Center

1 Gifford Road | White River Jct., VT 05001

Harford Technology Center trains and prepares students for various career paths, including business administration, career tech exploration, and of course, automotive technology. According to the program website, the emphasis is on developing highly skilled professionals with a safe, honest, and ethical approach to their jobs. Students are encouraged to utilize best practices and incorporate individual skills and team-based learning into their work habits.

The program dedicates a significant amount of time to teaching students about system design considerations, electronic control of mechanical systems, diagnostics, and troubleshooting techniques, among others.

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