Auto Mechanic Schools in Vermont

There are numerous perks to being an automotive mechanic. Not only do professionals in the field enjoy a very high level of job stability, but they can also build upon their existing knowledge to pursue careers in more advanced and specialized fields.

What’s more, the profession also offers a very straightforward entry path, involving, at most, a few months of apprenticeship or a few months spent in a formal training program.

Below we take an in-depth look at everything you need to know about becoming an auto mechanic in Vermont, including the steps involved, the most prominent training programs in the state, and the certification and licensure requirements.

How to Become an Automotive Mechanic in Vermont

To become an auto mechanic in Vermont, most people enroll in an auto mechanic training program. Not only do these programs offer a very thorough approach to learning what the job entails, but they also make it easier to secure employment and pass the certification exam administered by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE).

Among other things, students will learn how to carry out auto repair, collision repair and conduct appropriate damage analysis. They will also become familiar with key systems and components such as electronics and electrical systems, suspensions, alignments and brakes, and, of course, heating and air conditioning systems.

It is always advisable to enroll in a program that is accredited by the National Automotive Technician Education Foundation (NATEF).

Top Automotive Mechanic Schools in Vermont

Since most people who become auto mechanics in the state do so by completing an official training program, there is plenty of high-quality auto mechanic schools in the state of Vermont. Below, we take a look at some of the most noteworthy.

1. Vermont Technical College

124 Admin Drive, Randolph Center, VT 05061

Vermont Technical College is the only post-secondary automotive technology program in the state. For this reason, it is often the most appealing choice for many aspiring auto mechanics who wish to earn a degree before they begin their careers.

Another thing that sets the program apart is that the instructors don’t just seek to teach students only the technical aspects of the job, but they also try as much as possible to teach them proper ethics and problem-solving skills that always prove extremely valuable in the future.

NATEF also accredits the program and has a few scholarship options for interested candidates.

2. Burlington Technical Center

29 Church Street LL Burlington VT 05401

The automotive science and technology program at Burlington Technical Center can be completed in two years. Combining thorough hands-on training with extensive classroom sessions, the program holds five days per week.

Each day’s session lasts for two hours. The program also boasts of a rigorous yet flexible curriculum that makes it possible for graduates to either go straight to exploring career opportunities or continue their studies by enrolling in a college program.

Some key topics included in the coursework are troubleshooting components, understanding manufacturer repair algorithms, and understanding engine systems.

3. Hartford Area Career and Technical Center

1 Gifford Road | White River Jct., VT 05001

Harford Technology Center trains and prepares students for successful careers in several vocations, including automotive technology. Here students learn about best practices, diagnostics and troubleshooting, and electrical systems, among others.

Explore Auto Mechanic Schools By City

Licensure and Certification Requirements

Once you graduate from an auto mechanic school, the next thing to worry about, of course, is the issue of certification and licensure. Firstly, it is worth mentioning that Vermont has no particular licensing requirement.

Auto mechanics can work in the state without worrying about getting licensed. Certification, on the other hand, is another issue entirely. Again, the state has no certification requirement, but employers are always adamant that their employees be certified by the ASE.

To become ASE certified, candidates must have 2 years of related work experience. This can be a combination of experience gained through training and on the job.

They must also pass the appropriate exam for their specialization.

Learn about auto mechanic licensing and certification in neighboring states:

Salary and Job Outlook

Auto mechanics in Vermont earn an annual average salary of $57,477. On the lower end of the spectrum, those who earn the lowest average earn about 42,473 dollars, while those who find themselves in the top 10% can earn as high as $77,783.

Of course, where you fall in the spectrum has everything to do with how much experience you have, which location in the state you happen to secure employment in, and the type of employer you work for, among others.

Recent data shows that automotive mechanics in South Burlington make the most average salary at $65,244, while those in Burlington earn over $65,046. Auto mechanics in Saint Albans round up the top three at a $64,034 average yearly salary.