Auto Mechanic Schools in New York City

Auto mechanics must first acquire a great deal of training to install, repair, and upgrade automotive systems to the highest level. Aspiring auto mechanics in New York City would be glad to know that the city boasts of being near some of the best training programs in the entire country.

In fact, for a resident of New York City, the most challenging part of enrolling in an auto mechanic training program is selecting from the pool of available options. However, you don’t have to worry because that is exactly where the list below comes in.

Here, we look at some of the most notable programs in and around the city, emphasizing the numerous characteristics that make them stand out.

How to Become an Auto Mechanic in New York City

To become an auto mechanic in New York City, you must either complete your training on the job or enroll in a formal training program.

It is possible to complete training on the job because employers sometimes look for certificates from the beginning. In apprenticeship programs, for example, aspiring auto mechanics may work under experienced ones and learn everything they need to know before they graduate and branch out on their own.

Those who desire a more straightforward path toward employment and higher pay from the start may enroll in a training program and spend a few months or even years studying until they can perform their duties at the required level.

Top Auto Mechanic Training Schools in New York City

Most people choose to attend training programs before they become auto mechanics. Below we look at some of the most popular schools to receive training as an aspiring automotive mechanic in New York City.

1. Corning Community College

Corning Community College is one of the most prominent College training programs for aspiring automotive mechanics and technicians in New York. The school offers a public program in Corning that trains students on the latest topics in automotive technology.

Students can either go for a certificate in automotive mechanics program or an associate degree program. Those who wish to go for the associate degree option get to choose between two additional alternatives: the Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Technology program and the Associate of Occupational Studies in Automotive Technology program.

2. CUNY Bronx Community College

Another option for aspiring auto mechanics in New York is CUNY Bronx Community College. Located in New York City, the school offers 2 years of training encompassing classroom training and hands-on sessions.

Students learn vital topics such as engine repair, diesel technology, brake systems, etc. Those who wish to graduate faster may take advantage of the school’s certificate in automotive mechanics program. In contrast, those who don’t mind spending a couple of years in the school may opt for the associate of applied science degree program.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:


SUNY Delhi offers various technological and vocational programs, including an impressive Automotive Mechanic and Technology program.

Students get to choose between two “two-year” programs: the associate in occupational studies program and the associate in applied science degree program.

The AOS in automotive mechanics program incorporates a lot of hands-on and automotive lab sessions, while the AAS in Automotive Technology program prepares students for even more advanced degrees.

Students at the school also participate in the SkillsUSA automotive service technology competition across state and national levels.

4. Hudson Valley Community College

Hudson Valley Community College offers a degree program to prepare future automotive mechanics on current diagnostic and repair skills. Students will learn how to use and service new computerized controls, work with modern fuel delivery systems, and maintain powertrain designs.

The school ensures to make its coursework comprehensive enough by incorporating both classroom and laboratory experience. Ultimately, by the time they’re done, students will have all the knowledge to diagnose and repair a wide range of automotive system components.

The school is also known for its impressive employment rate. About 9 out of 10 graduates of Hudson Valley Community College’s automotive mechanic students get a job before they graduate.

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