Auto Mechanic Schools in Illinois

Automotive mechanics are in great demand nowadays. More and more sophisticated vehicles continue to be released, and a great deal of them can only be fixed by highly educated experts. Consequently, the salary and opportunity for growth the field offers have never been higher.

As an aspiring auto mechanic in Illinois, you must first become familiar with the steps involved in becoming an auto mechanic in the state. Thankfully, that is exactly what we discuss in the sections below.

Along with the basic and advanced educational requirements, we also look at possible training routes, certification bodies, licensing requirements, and the potential salary to expect.

How To Become an Automotive Mechanic in Illinois

Basic Education Requirements

The state of Illinois has no basic educational requirements for its auto mechanics. Still, it is common for employers and training programs to ask for interested candidates to be high school graduates with a diploma or have a GED.

Training Programs

An essential step in becoming an auto mechanic is learning to carry out duties and responsibilities. Thankfully, there is plenty of places to obtain this training in Illinois.

In fact, aspiring auto mechanics in Illinois have two broad options regarding where they obtain their training from. The first option is to enroll in an apprenticeship program, while the second option is to enroll in a trade school or college program.

  • Apprenticeship Programs - Students who enroll in apprenticeship programs can look forward to immersive training sessions where they get to work with tools that professionals use in a real-world setting.
  • Formal School Programs - On the other hand, those who attend a formal training program can look forward to learning in state-of-the-art facilities and beautiful classrooms under the tutelage of instructors with years of experience doing their jobs.

They can also look forward to developing a solid theoretical base they can build when they start practicing what they have been taught.

Top Automotive Mechanic Schools in Illinois

1. Illinois Central College

At Illinois Central College, students learn about modern components of automotive systems and how to break down, fix, and maintain these components. Based in East Peoria, the school also offers students the chance to gain real-world experience before they graduate through an internship program in partnership with General Motors.

2. Parkland College

Parkland College is another impressive automotive mechanic training option located in Champaign for several reasons. First, the school is flexible with its programs and schedules.

Those looking for a fast-tracked option may apply for the certificate program, while those looking for extensive training may go for the associate of applied science degree program.

Furthermore, students may specialize even further by going for either management, motorsport, or technician concentrations.

3. Universal Technical Institute (UTI)

Lastly, Universal Technical Institute in Lisle is another incredible option for aspiring automotive mechanics in Illinois to consider. The school boasts of experienced, certified instructors who bring up students with everything they need to know regarding automotive and diesel technology.

Students who wish to take advantage of the school’s partnerships may do so by completing their internships at BMW, Ford, and Toyota dealerships.

NATEF accredits the program.

Explore Auto Mechanic Schools By City

Licensure and Certification Requirements

Illinois has no mandatory licensure requirements for auto mechanics. This means that aspiring auto mechanics in the state can simply focus on obtaining their training and securing a job immediately afterward.

It should be mentioned, though, that even though the state has no rigid licensure law, individuals may choose to pursue certifications independently. Many auto mechanics decide to become certified simply because of the numerous benefits to be gotten from it, such as legitimacy and potentially more significant contracts.

While there are a few certification options, the most popular are the specialist credentials offered by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence ASE.

Salary and Job Outlook

As one would expect, the yearly salary that an auto mechanic in Illinois takes home depends on several factors. Experience, location, and the type of organization/industry where the auto mechanic works all have the most effect.

On average, however, auto mechanics in Illinois earn an annual salary of $65,414. Those who fall into the top 10% take home an average yearly salary of $102,865, while those who fall into the bottom 10% take home $41,598 annually.

Libertyville auto mechanics are the highest paid in the state, earning an annual average salary of $82,056. Joliet and Arlington Heights follow with yearly averages of $77611 and $$74,392, respectively.

Auto mechanics in Chicago earn an annual average salary of $64,935.

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