Auto Mechanic Schools in Chicago

Automotive mechanics can do more than just fix common problems with vehicles. They can run diagnostics on complex issues and upgrade electrical and mechanical components in various automotive systems.

Before they can do all of these, they must have revived a signout of training. If you aspire to become an automotive mechanic in Chicago, you will also have to do the same.

You don’t have to worry, however, because below, we have provided a comprehensive list of some of the most popular auto mechanic schools in and around Chicago. These schools have everything you need regarding quality education, complete coursework, state-of-the-art facilities, and more.

How to Become an Auto Mechanic in Chicago

The first step an aspiring auto mechanic in Chicago must take is to enroll in a training program. They may enroll in a formal training program offered by trade schools and community colleges or an apprenticeship program run by trade unions, organizations, and even specific companies.

Most auto mechanics in Chicago enroll in a formal training program because it often makes employment easier. While employers are sometimes willing to take untrained auto mechanics under their tutelage, most usually go for those who have graduated from a training program.

Whether you go for an apprenticeship or a formal program, having your high school diploma or GED ready is essential before you begin the process.

Top Auto Mechanic Training Schools in Chicago

Now that we know the essential steps in becoming an auto mechanic in Chicago, here are a few of the most prominent training schools to consider.

1. Illinois Central College

Illinois Central College is a popular destination for aspiring automotive mechanics in Chicago. The school has a 2-year associate of applied science degree program in automotive technology, known for its comprehensiveness and rigorous hands-on training.

Located in East Peoria, students who enroll here also enjoy internship programs created to help students acquire another layer of hands-on training and real-world experience to become familiar with what to expect on the job.

For those looking for a particular program for their hands-on experience, the school also offers the option to partake in the General Motors ASEP program.

2. Parkland College

Parkland College in Champaign is another program worthy of consideration for any aspiring automotive mechanic in Chicago. The school is known for its flexibility and the options it gives students about their training. For instance, students may choose to go for the auto maintenance and light repair certificate if they wish to graduate faster or choose the two-year associate of applied science degree for a more extensive training program.

Those who choose the latter get to specialize even further by choosing between the associate degree with a management concentration, the associate degree with a motorsport concentration, or the associate degree program with a technician concentration.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

3. Universal Technical Institute (UTI)

Aspiring automotive mechanics in Chicago may also consider applying for admission into the Universal Technical Institute. The school has several campuses nationwide with exceptional automotive technology programs. The Lisle campus is the same.

Accepted candidates will learn everything they need about automotive and diesel technology. They can also give themselves more edge by seeking the school’s specialized skillsets.

Furthermore, the school partners with companies such as Ford, Toyota, and Daimler Trucks to provide students with more hands-on training.

NATEF accredits Universal Technical Institute’s automotive program.

4. Lincoln Tech - Melrose Park

Lincoln Tech is another popular destination for aspiring automotive mechanics nationwide. Residents of Chicago will be happy to know that the school has a campus in Melrose Park offering an Automotive Technology program that is as good as anywhere else.

The school has existed for more than 100 years, formally known as the Greer College of Automotive Engineering. The Automotive Service Technology-approved program offers diploma and associate degree options.

Students who wish to specialize may go for the Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology program or the Electrical and Electronic Systems Technology program.

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