Auto Mechanic Schools in California

Auto mechanics in California are some of the highest paid in the country. They earn, on average, about 13% more than auto mechanics anywhere else. Thanks to this favorable figure and the fact that it is a very direct profession to get into more and more people are moving towards being auto mechanics in the state.

If you find yourself in these shoes and want to know where to start, the guide below should be of invaluable help. In the sections to come, we highlight some of the most important things to know, such as how to begin the process, notable training programs, the salary figures to look forward to, and the certification and licensing requirements, among other things.

How To Become an Automotive Mechanic in California

To become an automotive mechanic in California, most candidates simply enroll in an accredited training program. Luckily, there is plenty of such programs all across the state. Not only do they provide thorough classroom training, but also an impressive level of hands-on training as well.

Among other things, students learn about engine repair, transmission repair, ignition systems repair, tune-ups, and how to carry out appropriate safety inspections.

After graduating from a training program, graduates are often expected by their employers to become certified. The state also has a few licensing requirements for businesses which we’ll look at later in the article.

Top Automotive Mechanic Schools in California

The most important thing to consider when choosing an auto mechanic school in California is the accreditation status. Not only are all of the entries on the list below accredited by the appropriate body, but they also offer a high level of education and hands-on training.

1. Los Angeles Trade Technical College

2198 Flower St, Los Angeles, CA 90015, USA

One of the most notable aircraft mechanic training schools in the state is the Los Angeles Trade Technical College. The school has a well-respected Automotive Technology program known formally as the Automotive and Related Technology program.

Aspiring auto mechanics who get accepted into the school must choose between the certificate program and the associate degree program. While the former requires 18 credit hours for completion, the latter requires 36 credit hours.

2. Oxnard College

4000 South Rose Ave. Oxnard, CA 93033

Located on South Rose Avenue in Oxnard, Oxnard College boasts an automotive technology program often regarded as one of the best in the state. Like most auto mechanic schools, Oxnard College provides its students the luxury of choosing between a certificate and degree program.

Among other things, students in each program learn the fundamentals of electrical and electronics systems, engine repair, service, and parts management, among others.

3. Cerritos College

11110 Alondra Blvd. Norwalk, California 90650

Cerritos College is our next viable option for aspiring auto mechanics in California. Not only has the school produced numerous successful graduates, but it is also one of the best in the comprehensiveness of its coursework.

Students may choose between a degree and a certificate, but notably, the certificate program is further divided into two categories - the general automotive technology category with a focus on general auto tech topics and a general automotive collision repair category with a focus on automotive damage management,

4. Allan Hancock College

800 South College Drive, Santa Maria, California 93454-6399

Lastly, Allan Hancock College is another respectable destination for aspiring auto mechanics in California. Having been accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges since 1952, the school has produced more than its fair share of automotive mechanics.

The two programs available here are the auto body technology program and the automotive tech program. Each is further divided into two categories offering an associate degree or a certificate.

Explore Auto Mechanic Schools By City

Licensure and Certification Requirements

Just like it is in most states, employers in California often prefer to hire certified automotive mechanics over those who are not. For that reason, many professionals in the field apply for ASE certification.

Additionally, individuals and companies looking to start a business as auto mechanics must register as an Automotive Repair Dealer (ARD) with California’s Bureau of Automotive Repair. The application costs $200 and is expected to be renewed every year.

Salary and Job Outlook

As mentioned earlier, auto mechanics in California are among the highest paid in the country. Their annual salary of $72,705 is 13 percent higher than the national average.

Of course, it is possible to earn below or above this number depending on a number of factors. Among these are the experience level, location, establishment of employment, and certification, among others.

Auto mechanics in California who fall on the higher end of the spectrum may earn as much as $123,615 per year, while those at the lower end may take home an annual average salary of $42,761.

As for specific locations within the state, auto mechanics in Fremont earn the highest annual average with a salary of $86,328 per year. Folsom and Goleta follow with an annual average salary of $79,953 and $79,442 yearly.

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