Auto Mechanic Schools in Los Angeles

The automotive industry remains one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. And as many would admit, one of the best fields in the industry with a straightforward entry path is the automotive mechanic profession. Among other things, auto mechanics perform maintenance and repair on automotive systems.

Of course, they are also able to upgrade these systems and point out flaws in designs when called upon. To carry out all of these duties at a high level, many auto mechanics in Los Angeles choose to obtain proper education from a training program.

If you would like to go through the same path, below are some of the best and most notable auto mechanic schools in Los Angeles, California, to consider.

Becoming an Auto Mechanic in Los Angeles

Before you enroll in an auto mechanic training school in Los Angeles, it is usually advisable to consider obtaining a GED or a high school diploma if you don’t already have one. A strong foundation in mathematics and physics will also prove invaluable once training begins.

As for the actual training programs, your objective should be finding a flexible program to suit your learning style. It is also highly imperative that you enroll in a program accredited by NATEF (National Automotive Technician Education Foundation).

Thankfully, all of the entries in the list below fulfill this requirement.

Top Auto Mechanic Training Schools in Los Angeles

1. Los Angeles Trade Technical College

2198 Flower St, Los Angeles, CA 90015, USA

The Los Angeles Trade Technical College is one of the most popular trade schools in California. The school’s automotive mechanic program, officially designated as the Automotive and Related Technology program, boasts of an extensive curriculum and highly skilled ASE-master-certified instructions.

Students who wish to graduate at a faster pace may opt for the certificate program, which requires the completion of only 18 credit hours. Those who are okay with spending an extra 18 hours may choose to go for the associate degree program, which requires the completion of 36 credit hours.

The certificate program focuses mainly on tune-up and transmission repair.

2. Allan Hancock College

800 South College Drive, Santa Maria, California 93454-6399

At Allan Hancock College, aspiring automotive mechanics may enroll in one of two programs - the auto body technology program or the automotive tech program. Each program is further divided into two categories as well.

Both offer an associate degree or a certificate. The school has been accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges since 1952.

3. Oxnard College

4000 South Rose Ave. Oxnard, CA 93033

Just like most auto mechanic schools in the state, Oxnard College gives its automotive mechanic students the opportunity to choose between a certificate and degree program. Both programs are broad enough in their rights to prepare graduates for successful careers in engine repair, service and parts management, and many more related fields.

Accepted students will receive extensive instructions in key topics such as electrical analysis, reconstruction, and troubleshooting techniques, among others.

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4. Cerritos College

11110 Alondra Blvd. Norwalk, California 90650

Cerritos College remains one of the most popular schools in California for students looking to learn the fundamentals of automotive technology and then some. As one would expect, the school has both a certificate and degree category depending on preference.

Furthermore, the certificate program itself has two alternatives. Firstly, students may study to be general technicians focusing on general technology, alternate fuels, and electrical/diagnostic technology. Secondly, there is also a certificate program in general automotive collision repair focusing on automotive damage management, automotive damage repair, and automotive finishing.

Lastly, the degree program deals with auto mechanical repair technology with a focus on alternate fuels service technology, automotive management, and electrical/diagnostic analysis.

5. Cosumnes River College

8401 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823

At Cosumnes River College, students earn a certificate in automotive mechanics technology in one of two ways. The first is to complete the traditional program with a focus on the kind of general automotive curriculum that you’ll find in other institutions.

The second approach is to enroll in what is known as the Ford ASSET program. In the Ford ASSET program, instructors combine traditional classes with paid work experience in a Ford dealership. This way, students get to dive into the practical aspects of what they’re being taught in a real-world setting.

Both the traditional program and the Ford ASSET programs can be completed in a matter of one year.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements: