Aircraft Mechanic Schools in Columbus

There are a few steps required to become an aircraft mechanic. But among all of these steps, the most important is to enroll in a high-quality training program that the FAA approves.

Aspiring aircraft mechanics in Columbus, Ohio, will be glad to know that there is plenty of aircraft mechanic training schools to consider in the area. We have listed some of the most popular options below.

All entries on the list have been vetted to ensure that they provide a high standard of education, possess quality instructors, and offer a comfortable training environment for students that is conducive to success.

How to Become an Aircraft Mechanic in Columbus

An aircraft mechanic in Columbus, Ohio, will typically start their career by enrolling in a training program. This step aims to acquire the necessary training to perform the job at a very high level and qualify for and pass the FAA Airframe and Powerplant rating test.

It should be said, however, that going through a formal training program is one of many ways to qualify and pass the FAA test. People who have received training on the job, along with military personnel who military institutions have also trained, may also sit for and pass the test as long as they have at least 18 months of experience.

Top Aircraft Mechanic Schools in Columbus, Ohio

As we’ve seen below, there are a few pathways to becoming an aircraft mechanic. Training programs, however, remain the most popular. Below we look at some of the top aircraft mechanic schools in and around Columbus, Ohio.

1. Columbus State Community College

5100 Cornerstone Dr. Delaware, OH 43015

Columbus State Community College is one of Ohio’s premier destinations for aspiring aviation mechanics. The school trains students through a rigorous curriculum that prioritizes hands-on training and classroom instructions.

Approved by the Federal Aviation Administration, graduates automatically qualify to sit for the Airframe and Powerplant examinations.

The program consists of 1900 hours of instruction and includes topics such as hydraulics, aerodynamics, pneumatics, electrical systems, fire detection and protection, and non-destructive testing.

Students also learn about modern turbine engine theory and put all the knowledge to work through practical sessions.

2. Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics

Youngstown-Warren Branch Campus, Vienna, Ohio 4473

Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics is a renowned aviation training academy with several campuses nationwide. As one would expect, the campus in Ohio upholds the same standard that has seen the school become one of the best destinations for aspiring aviation technicians nationwide.

There are a couple of programs to consider for future aircraft mechanics looking to kickstart their careers here. The first is the Aviation Maintenance Technology AST Degree, where they learn about inspecting, maintaining, repairing, and troubleshooting aircraft engines and onboard systems.

The second option is the Aviation Electronics Technology AST Degree program, where they learn about isolating malfunctions and making equipment changes to radios and navigation systems, among others.

3. Sinclair Community College

444 West 3rd Street, Dayton, OH 45402

Sinclair Community College in Dayton Ohio boasts of having one of the state’s most comprehensive aviation technology programs. The school offers flight training programs and courses for air traffic controllers.

Their aircraft mechanic program remains one of the most popular. Not only is the school known for providing rigorous hands-on training to complement the theoretical classroom sessions, but they also stand out thanks to their state-of-the-art simulation and modeling tools.

The demand for aviation technicians is relatively high in the area, which means job placement is usually relatively. The school still tries as much as it possibly can to help its graduates with job placements.

4. Kent State University

800 E Summit Street, Kent, OH 44240

Kent State University offers a series of aviation programs that combine theory and hands-on experience and then further complement these with business and liberal arts classes.

Admitted students get to study in state-of-the-art facilities under high-quality instructors. They can also choose between aeronautical studies, aeronautical systems engineering technology, and aviation flight management technology programs.

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