Wind Turbine Mechanic Schools in Philadelphia

Wind turbine service mechanics often need to acquire a postsecondary non-degree award at the very least to enter the occupation. They also have to consolidate whatever the classroom education they have received with hands-on experience and on-the-job training.

Below, we provide a quick refresher on starting a career as a wind turbine mechanic in Philadelphia. From there, we highlight some of the most prominent wind turbine mechanic schools for candidates in the area to consider.

The entries on the list have been vetted to ensure a high standard of education, comprehensive curriculum, combination of classroom and hands-on training, state-of-the-art facilities, and other important criteria that separate the top schools from the average ones.

How to Become a Wind Turbine Mechanic in Philadelphia

As a prospective wind turbine mechanic in Philadelphia, the first thing you must do on your journey is have a high school diploma or GED. You may then use these to secure admission into a training program.

The best academic training programs — such as the ones listed below — are great for receiving foundational training and becoming familiar with what to expect on the job. However, students must also receive hands-on training that involves working with wind turbine components. They may do so by participating in an apprenticeship or receiving job training.

Lastly, individuals may consider applying for certification on the road to becoming a wind turbine mechanic in Philadelphia. Even though this step is not compulsory, it offers various benefits. The two most prominent professional organizations to consider are the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) and the Electronics Technicians Association (ETA).

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

Top Wind Turbine Mechanic Schools in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The following schools offer some of the most comprehensive training for future wind turbine mechanics in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Penn State University

Penn State University’s Pennsylvania Wind Application Center received a 20% Wind Energy Funding Opportunity Announcement award. This has helped the university develop courses for associate degree programs in Renewable Energy Technology.

These programs operate at high educational standards with hands-on training opportunities in well-equipped laboratories.

The school also supports distance-based learning for candidates seeking a Wind Energy Engineering graduate certificate. All in all, candidates in these programs will acquire the knowledge necessary to secure entry-level employment upon graduating.

Among the available wind energy courses included at the graduate level are AERSP 880 Wind Turbine Systems, AERSP 583 Wind Turbine Aerodynamics, AERSP 886 Engineering of Wind Project Development, and EGEE 438 Wind and Hydropower Energy Conversion.

St. Francis University

St. Francis University in Loretto offers another top-quality academic program for aspiring wind turbine mechanics in the area. Officially known as the Environmental Engineering with Renewable Energy Concentration program, this training opportunity is just as described.

Candidates will learn about environmental engineering, focusing predominantly on renewable energy generation. Furthermore, candidates may specialize further in wind energy technology upon graduation.

The program is a Bachelor of Science degree program and is also a recipient of a 20% Wind Energy Funding Opportunity Announcement award.

The focus topics are electrical circuits, introduction to wind energy technology, safety, turbine troubleshooting and repair, programmable logic controllers, climb safety, and digital electronics.

University of Pittsburgh at Bradford

The University of Pittsburgh at Campus Drive, Bradford, offers candidates the opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree through its Energy Science and Technology program. The program suits aspiring energy auditors, energy managers, environmental analysts, field service technicians, and wind turbine mechanics and technicians.

The courses included in the program are Introduction to Energy Science and Technology, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Linear Circuits and Systems, and Sensors and Automation.

Candidates may consult the school’s admission and financial aid offices for financial assistance and scholarship opportunities.

The program boasts highly experienced technicians and instructors, well-equipped laboratories, and training facilities.

Villanova University

Future wind turbine technicians in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania may consider the renewable energy courses Villanova University offers in Lancaster Avenue, Villanova. The university is known for an array of high-quality technical programs, and the Wind Technology program operates at the same level.

Candidates will learn basic topics such as blueprint reading, troubleshooting, safety, and tools and equipment that will help them secure entry-level employment as wind turbine mechanics.

The program also has various facilities and resources for hands-on laboratory training.

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