Wind Turbine Technician Schools in Jersey City

The best training programs for wind turbine mechanics in Jersey City, New Jersey, emphasize fundamental principles and can boast a comprehensive curriculum that has led to a high graduate success rate.

While those programs exist in the state, finding them without help can be challenging. This is why the resources below are focused on highlighting only the top wind turbine mechanic training programs for candidates in Jersey City to consider. Before diving into the list, we provide a concise refresher on the general steps required to become a wind turbine mechanic in the city.

The list also contains extensive details about the programs in question and important features and requirements that candidates must know beforehand.

How to Become a Wind Turbine Mechanic in Jersey City

To become a wind turbine mechanic in Jersey City, candidates must complete a training program. This can be an academic program offered by training institutes and community colleges or programs organized by companies in the area.

Thanks to initiatives run by the New Jersey Economic Development Authority, companies and academic institutions in the state have been collaborating to provide both classroom and real-world training to interested candidates in the area.

Again, some of the most prominent destinations for such training have been highlighted below.

Lastly, having completed their training, pursuing a professional credential is the next step, albeit optional. Candidates seeking certification may consider the American Wind Energy Association, the <strong>ENSA, North America, Inc</strong>., the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners, and the Electronics Technicians Association.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

Top Wind Turbine Mechanic Schools in Jersey City, New Jersey

Below are some of the top training programs for aspiring wind turbine mechanics in Jersey City, New Jersey:

Rowan College South Jersey

Rowan College at Burlington County, South Jersey, was the first school in the state to offer extensive hands-on training for wind turbine mechanics and technicians. The program resulted from several organizations and initiatives coming together to institute a destination for interested candidates in the area to acquire the skills needed to meet the growing industry demand.

Taking place full-time Mondays to Fridays, students will learn to work on and maintain offshore wind turbines and onshore substations while acquiring the skills to provide O&M facility support.

Candidates will also be glad to know that the program is paid, and they can earn as much as $15 per hour for the entire 22 weeks of training. This is thanks to a partnership with Ørsted, making it possible for candidates to receive high-level training on the job while they learn.

This program won the New Jersey Wind Turbine Technician Training Grant Challenge organized by the New Jersey Economic Development Authority.

Atlantic Cape Community College

Atlantic Cape Community College won the New Jersey Offshore Wind Safety Training Challenge organized by the New Jersey Economic Development Authority. As a result, the school now boasts one of the top training programs for offshore wind turbine mechanics in the area.

The bulk of the program is focused on safety practices and guidelines. Still, candidates will also have to learn foundational principles and fundamental topics, including a general introduction to wind turbine technology, electronic circuits, and offshore wind power generation specifics.

Accepted applicants will also get a chance to acquire high-level real-world training to complete the theoretical knowledge they’ll acquire. They may then proceed to secure employment immediately, with many candidates being hired by partner companies in the state immediately after graduation.

New Jersey Institute of Technology

While the New Jersey Institute of Technology doesn’t have a dedicated wind turbine technology program, the institute occasionally organizes workshops and training boot camps for aspiring wind turbine technicians in the state.

The workshops are usually run in connection with the New Jersey Economic Development Authority and last between days and weeks.

There are no prerequisite course requirements, but generally, the topics are quite advanced and more suitable for candidates with prior experience in the field or renewable energy fields in general.

Candidates who complete the training program will be awarded a certificate of completion.

The New Jersey Institute of Technology plans to launch an offshore wind education program. Completing the program will also earn candidates extra credits that may be used to enroll in that program.

Princeton University

In conjunction with the New Jersey Wind Institute Fellowship program, Princeton University offers graduates and undergraduates the opportunity to receive advanced training in wind technology through a fellowship program.

Candidates may apply regardless of prior experience in the field.

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