Wind Turbine Technician Schools in Phoenix

Wind turbine mechanic training programs in Phoenix, Arizona, are designed to introduce individuals to the fundamental principles and foundational theories of wind technology. During the program, students will learn key topics, including structural, mechanical, electronic, and electrical components of wind turbines and wind turbine technology in general.

The list below contains some of the best schools offering comprehensive wind technology programs where students can learn all the above and more.

Before we dive into the schools, here’s a quick overview of the most direct approach to starting a wind turbine mechanic career in Phoenix.

How to Become a Wind Turbine Mechanic in Phoenix

The basic educational requirement to become a wind turbine mechanic in Phoenix is usually to possess a high school diploma. Those who don’t have one may take it as the first step in obtaining one or a GED equivalent.

From there, they may secure admission into the training programs highlighted below. Those who want to avoid going through the academic route may obtain training on the job.

Generally, though, the most popular approach is a hybrid approach combining academic training with training on the job.

Certification is optional for wind turbine mechanics in Phoenix; however, getting one can be a great avenue for career growth and opportunities. Candidates seeking professional certification may consider the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners and the Electronics Technicians Association.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

Top Wind Turbine Mechanic Schools in Phoenix, Arizona

Aspiring wind turbine mechanics in Phoenix may consider the destinations below for top-quality training.

Northern Arizona University - Arizona Wind Application Center

Northern Arizona University’s Arizona Wind Application Center in Flagstaff remains one of the most prominent institutions to receive training in various technical fields and energy-related disciplines.

Aspiring wind turbine mechanics in Phoenix would consider enrolling in the school’s Wind for Schools projects, through which they will receive extensive classroom and hands-on training.

In 2011, the center announced the installation of a Skystream wind turbine and secured additional funding for sustainability projects. Accepted applicants can leverage these resources to receive one of the state’s most comprehensive wind technology training programs and perhaps the entire country.

Arizona State University

Arizona State University offers individuals the opportunity to start their careers as wind turbine mechanics/technicians by earning a bachelor of science degree through the Electrician Electrical Engineering BSE with an emphasis in the Electrical Power and Energy Systems program.

As one would expect, the program is extremely rigorous, with extensive classroom components that are consistently supplemented with laboratory training sessions and even real-world experience acquisition through actual wind and renewable energy systems components.

Arizona State University received the 20% Wind Energy Funding Opportunity Announcement award, giving it access to resources with which it aims to attract more students into the field.

The school also offers high school students the opportunity to start their wind technologies training as quickly as possible through an after-school project known as the Prime the Pipeline Project: Wind Energy.

Coconino Community College

Coconino Community College is another wonderful destination for comprehensive wind turbine technology training in the entire state. Here, candidates learn under qualified instructors with real-world experience and use state-of-the-art facilities to receive practical application training.

Officially known as the associate of applied science degree program in Alternative Energy Technology, aspiring wind turbine mechanics have the luxury of focusing on the wind turbine components of the curriculum while acquiring transferable knowledge in other areas of renewable energy technologies.

The program suits aspiring energy auditors, energy managers, environmental analysts, field service technicians, and wind turbine mechanics and technicians.

Northeast Arizona Technical Institute of Vocational Education (N.A.T.I.V.E)

Lastly, aspiring young adult wind turbine mechanics in Phoenix may consider applying for the Northeast Arizona Technical Institute of Vocational Education training program.

The program is extremely fundamental as it is designed primarily for those seeking an understanding of the basic principles of the field, enough to nudge them to seek advanced knowledge and start a successful career as full-fledged wind turbine mechanics.

Other locations offering similar training arrangements in the state include Saint Michael Indian School, the Orme School, Dilcon Community School, and Ponderosa High School.

Among the focus topics are fundamental theories in wind technology, electrical circuits, blueprint reading, safety, and more.

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