Welding Schools in New York City

Sifting through the numerous training options available for aspiring welders in New York is challenging. That is why we have provided a curated list below containing only the most notable welding training programs in and around the city.

Our list was curated by considering factors such as coursework detail, hands-on training possibility, facilities’ state, and instructors’ quality.

Not only are the entries below among the best welding schools in New York and surrounding areas, but they are also capable of competing with most nationwide welding institutions.

How to Become a Welder in New York City

The state must license welders in New York before they can practice professionally. To become licensed, they must obtain certification from the American Welding Society or the New York State Department of Transport.

Obtaining either of these certifications requires sitting for a certification exam.

Of course, before they can sit for a certification exam, aspiring welders in New York must have graduated from a training program, either an apprenticeship program or a training course offered by a community college, technical college, or trade school.

The state also conducts background checks on prospective welders before they are issued their licenses.

Top Welding Schools in New York City

The following are some of the best welding training schools in New York City for aspiring welders in the area to choose from.

1. SUNY Corning Community College

Students looking to learn all four welding classes, including SMAW, GTAW, GMAW, and FCAW, would do well considering the Corning Community College program. The school is a part of the State University of New York system and boasts state-of-the-art facilities recently built in 2015.

Students learn about blueprint reading, fundamental components, and TIG, as well as MIG welding. Moreover, they will also learn all the key topics they need to sit for the AWS certification exams once they’re done with the program.

2. Westchester Community College

Westchester Community College, another institution part of the State University of New York system, also boasts of its excellent welding technology program dealing in SMAW and GMAW classes.

With over 20,000 students, the school continually produces successful experts in several fields, and its welding technology program is no different.

Classes take place online and include a flexible schedule so students can progress at their own pace. Westchester Community College’s welding program is also known to be quite affordable in its tuition costs.

3. Kingsborough Community College

Kingsborough Community College is part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system, which means that all the credits acquired at the school can be easily transferred into any four-year college.

Aspiring students who wish to study to become welders at the school should go for the Associate of applied science program in Maritime Technology. This program consists of basic and advanced welding classes, but students will also learn other skills, such as boat and ship maintenance.

4. Mohawk Valley Community College

Anyone looking for rigorous hands-on training in welding offered by a college program would do well to consider the Mohawk Valley Community College program.

Despite the abundance of classroom training, the school always keeps ensuring that students get the necessary workshop and laboratory experience to put their classroom training into practice.

Graduates leave with a certificate after one year of training focusing on electrical arc welding, metallurgy basics, fabrication, inspection, and how to read blueprints.

5. Niagara County Community College

Lastly, Niagara County community college is another college that is part of the State University of New York system and has a very high-quality welding training program.

The school was established in 1962, and its welding program emphasizes GMAW welding. Students also learn crucial topics such as blueprint reading, electrical arc welding, thermal cutting, and critical processes in quality control.

Notable Mentions

Other notable mentions for aspiring welders in New York looking for a high-quality institution include Alfred State College of Technology, Jamestown Community College, SUNY Delhi, and the School of Cooperative Technical Education.