Truck Driver Schools in Seattle

The truck driving school that an aspiring truck driver in Seattle, Washington, chooses to attend goes a long way in determining how quickly they can start their careers and how far they will go in the profession. Thankfully, residents of the area will be glad to know that the city contains some of the top and most prominent training programs for future truck drivers in the entire state.

What’s more, we have also included below a list containing only the best of the best among these options. Candidates will be able to discover the names of these programs and the key features and qualities that make them stand out.

However, before we dive into the list, here is a quick look at the general steps in launching a successful truck driving career in Seattle, Washington.

How to Become a Truck Driver in Seattle

To become a truck driver in Seattle, Washington, candidates must understand the basic requirements. These include being a citizen or having lawful permanent residency, being at least 18 or 21 (depending on whether or not a driver is planning to cross borders), and being in good physical condition.

To acquire training to prepare for their commercial driver’s license exam, candidates may enroll in any of the programs below. It is crucial to enroll in a program that is approved and well-equipped to provide training resources for both the CDL skills test and knowledge test.

While the knowledge test can be completed written, the skills test involves real-world demonstrations in pre-inspection, safety, and actual on-road driving.

Drivers who have completed all these steps may then pay the appropriate fees and begin their careers as official truck drivers in Seattle, Washington.

Explore detailed steps, education, and Licensing requirements:

Top Truck Driver Schools in Seattle

Aspiring truck drivers in Seattle, Washington, may consider some top-quality destinations below for their high-level CDL training.

160 Driving Academy/ Seattle Truck Driving School

160 Driving Academy in Seattle is a popular destination for effective and convenient truck driving training. The program website highlights three major strengths: easy commute in Seattle, caring and dedicated instructors, and various job choices for students even before graduation.

Candidates must be at least 21 years old to secure admission here. They must also have zero felonies and DUIs in the last seven years.

Washington Trucking School

At Washington Trucking School, students can receive their CDL training in only 4 weeks. They acquire classroom training, focusing on real trucks on open roads.

The school is notable for maintaining an efficient student-instructor ratio of 3 - 1. Candidates can receive personalized training to address their challenges and shortcomings.

The school offers job placement assistance and has helped graduates secure employment with some respectable trucking companies nationwide.

Big Bend Community College

Big Bend Community College offers several trade and technical programs at high educational standards. However, the school also offers a CDL training program through which aspiring class A truck drivers in Seattle may begin their careers.

The program operates a strong classroom training regimen and notable real-world instructions.

Students will also enjoy working with respectable employers around the country thanks to the school’s connection and reputation.

Candidates must be at least 21 before being offered admission into this program.

Central Valley Truck Driving School

Central Valley Truck Driving School offers a certificate for students looking to learn truck driving. This top-quality training program focuses on Class A CDLs and includes 40 hours of classroom instruction.

In combination with this are additional training modes, including 18 hours of street driving, 16 hours of backing maneuver training, 16 hours of developing proficiency, and 70 hours of lab, observation, and range training.

All of these amount to 160 hours of training in total. Candidates must pass a drug and alcohol test before admission can be given.

Perry Technical Institute

Perry Technical Institute offers a 5-week professional truck driving program that candidates all around Washington may use to begin their careers. The programs start with classroom preparation. Students will then move on to other relevant areas, such as visual inspections, on-road driving, backing maneuvers, and manual transmission shifting.

By the time they graduate, students will have received all the training they need to receive their CDL. Candidates must be at least 21 years old to apply for this program.

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