Truck Driving Schools in Philadelphia

As with most places, truck drivers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, are expected to attend a training program to prepare for the licensing test and their subsequent careers. Luckily, Philadelphia and its surrounding areas boast of having some of the most prominent training programs in the state and the entire country, which help you kickstart your career as a truck driver.

Finding these institutions and picking out the best among them can be challenging, but you don’t have to worry. Below is a curated list of Philadelphia’s most notable truck driving schools for aspiring truck drivers.

All entries below have been selected thanks to their quality training instructions, beautiful facilities, and experienced instructors, among other factors.

How to Become a Truck Driver in Philadelphia

As mentioned above, many truck drivers in Philadelphia attend training programs to prepare themselves for the commercial driver’s license test. This test is usually separated into knowledge and road skills tests.

The knowledge tests include 70 questions regarding Pennsylvania and federal driving regulations. In contrast, the road skills test consists of pre-trip inspection and off-road maneuver tests, among others.

A Pennsylvania CDL costs $94.50, while a hazmat endorsement costs $30.50.

Top Truck Driving Schools in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

These are some of the top truck driving schools in Philadelphia for aspiring heavy truck drivers in the city to consider:

All-State Career School

All-State Career School in Lester is one of the largest vocational schools in Philadelphia. It offers a beautiful truck driving training program that prepares students for success in their commercial driver’s license exam and subsequent employment.

Along with CDL training, the program also offers CDL testing, bus and passenger training, forklift training, and load and cargo securement.

Usually, companies send prospective drivers to the program to acquire training in the above topics and other safety topics such as wellness evaluation and extreme weather driving, among others.

Smith and Solomon

Another alternative for aspiring truck drivers in Philadelphia to consider is the Smith and Solomon training school, which offers one of the best truck driving programs in the entire state. The program not only boasts of modern facilities but also some of the best teachers in the country.

Students will feel comfortable learning a handful of crucial technical and safety topics taught through theoretical and practical applications. Graduates also receive significant help with job placement once they’re ready to secure employment.

Roadmaster Driver School

Roadmaster Driver School has campuses in several cities and states nationwide. The school’s campus in Bethlehem offers a viable destination for aspiring truck drivers in Philadelphia to learn the field’s basic principles in three to four weeks.

The program is known for its robustness, optimal student-to-teacher ratio, and modern facilities. Graduates receive job placement assistance and can take their CDL Class A test right at the school.

By the time they graduate, trainees will be sound in both crucial theoretical principles and actual hands-on practical applications.

Keystone Diesel

Keystone Diesel is a famous company in the area that also has an excellent training program in Butler, Pennsylvania.

As with most truck driving training programs run by companies, students who go through these programs enjoy straightforward job placement into the company’s fleet once they graduate and obtain their CDL.

Keystone Diesel also offers financial aid opportunities for students who qualify.

Rosedale Technical College

Regarding impressive truck driving training schools, Rosedale Technical College in Pittsburgh excels in virtually all the essential criteria. This is why the school is always an attractive destination for students all over the state.

At Rosedale, students get to learn under experienced teachers and tutors who have extensive experience in the field and are known to be some of the best around. Moreover, the school has a reputation for having a “student-oriented” approach, which means that every decision is made with them in mind.

Total Equipment Training

Truck drivers who wish to specialize in heavy equipment truck driving may consider applying for the extensive training program offered by Total Equipment Training. Based in Chester Springs, the program provides high-quality training to students all over Pennsylvania, with extensive classroom sessions and on-the-job instructions.

As mentioned above, the program is highly specialized and includes training for vacuum truck operation, CCO certification, bulldozers, and boom trucks.