Solar Technicians Schools in Houston

Before solar technicians can install, upgrade, and maintain key components of solar technology systems, they must have spent significant time learning how to carry out their duties at the highest level.

Aspiring solar technicians in Houston, Texas, will be glad that the city remains one of the best places to acquire solar technology training nationwide.

Not only are there numerous excellent college and trade school training programs in and around the city, but the area is also home to some of the most prominent apprenticeship training programs anywhere.

Below we have provided a comprehensive list of these notable institutions, including a few words on why they deserve a place on the list.

How to Become a Solar Technician in Houston

Like in most places, solar technicians in Houston are expected to have a high-school diploma or GED before starting their careers. This is needed to gain admission into a training program and obtain a license.

Training programs can be from colleges and technical schools, even though a degree is not mandatory. Apprenticeship training or other forms of training on the job can also suffice.

While degrees are not mandatory, licensing is.

The bodies responsible for licensing solar technicians in Houston, Texas, are the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners and the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.

Top Solar Technician Schools in Houston, Texas

Below are some of the top solar technician schools in Houston:

1. The Training Center

Located in Harker Heights, Texas, the Training Center brings up future solar technicians in a comprehensive program that lasts six weeks and contains 120 clock hours of instructions. The program teaches solar energy principles and other inspection and installation procedures in classroom and laboratory environments. Students will have to go through six modules, including photovoltaic fundamentals, photovoltaic system design, photovoltaic systems, photovoltaic stand-alone systems, photovoltaic construction management, and photovoltaic system interconnection.

The modules above deal with fundamental topics, including safety, hazard analysis, electrical parameters, rooftop grid-tied system installation, batteries and charge controller installations, and different testing methods.

Most people who complete the program usually secure employment once they graduate.

2. Houston Community College

Houston Community College’s solar installer certificate program trains students in all technical and business-related skills needed to survive in various areas of photovoltaic systems installation.

Students will learn to maintain and install PV systems, device safety protocols, electrical knowledge, and essential codes.

One of the program’s highlights is that it teaches students everything they need to know to pass the Electrical Technicians Association’s International Level 1 PV Installer Certification exam.

To apply, candidates must have a high school diploma or GED and be at least 17 years old. They must also come with the specified textbook required for the program.

3. SolPowerPeople

SolPowerPeople is a beautiful training program for aspiring solar technicians who wish to acquire their training online. Even though this program is available for students all over the country, it is located in Del Valle, Texas, meaning that students from the area have the additional advantage of being close to the campus and may even acquire hands-on training at the academy.

Among other things, they will get to learn critical topics in photovoltaic systems foundation, advanced photovoltaic installation and design, and even technical sales writing.

The program is flexible enough to allow students to move at their own pace, but to graduate, a total of 24 to 40 hours of training must be completed.

4. MIAT College of Technology

At the MIAT College of Technology in Houston, aspiring solar technicians can apply for the Energy Technology degree program, which encompasses a handful of energy technology job titles, including power plant operation, electrical and electronics, HVAC operations, field service technology, gas turbine technology, wind service technology, and solar installation technology.

Graduates of the program leave with an associate of applied science degree after intense training combining classroom and hands-on instructions.

Students are also taught to expand their careers through non-technical skills essential to career growth.