Solar Technician Schools in Las Vegas

Now is as good a time as any to become a solar technician. The field has come so far in so little time, but the best part is that it continues to grow astronomically, and the future is excellent.

To start as a solar technician in Las Vegas, Nevada, you must enroll in a proper training school. Luckily, there is plenty of high-quality programs in and around the city.

Below you’ll find a comprehensive list containing some of the best among them. We’ve also included a few notes on what makes these programs unique and a broad overview of the other steps involved in becoming a solar technician in Las Vegas, Nevada.

How to Become a Solar Technician in Las Vegas

Solar technicians in Las Vegas, Nevada, often begin their careers by acquiring a high school diploma or GED. Even though this is not precisely required by law, it is still a prerequisite required by many employers, trade programs, and apprenticeship programs - which brings us to the next step.

Aspiring solar techs in Las Vegas must enroll in at least one of these programs to start their careers. Of course, all of them have their benefits. Apprenticeship programs provide much hands-on experience, while trade programs give a solid theoretical foundation in the classroom.

After training, solar technicians may consider obtaining additional professional certification to help them stand out when seeking employment.

Even though certification is not mandatory, licensure is. The Nevada State Contractors Board must license all solar technicians in Las Vegas before they can practice professionally.

Top Solar Technician Schools in Las Vegas, Nevada

Having highlighted the key steps in becoming a solar technician in Las Vegas, Nevada, below are some training programs to consider, including offline, online, and hybrid college programs along with vocational schools and workshops.

1. University of Las Vegas, Nevada

The University of Las Vegas, Nevada, offers the state’s most popular solar technology training program. The program is notable for its beautiful facilities and team of excellent instructors.

They do a great job explaining vital theoretical aspects of solar photovoltaic systems while providing many hands-on training sessions to understand what it feels like to put their training into practice.

The program is divided into two distinct categories - the Solar and Renewable Energy Minor and the Solar and Renewable Energy Graduate Certificate.

Another exciting aspect of the program is that students are encouraged to apply for the RENEW 17 Scholarship available to high school graduates enrolling in the Solar and Renewable Energy Minor program. The scholarship is donated by NV Energy and awards between $1000 to $4000 in increments of $500.

2. Solar Energy International

Solar Energy International is a famous institution providing individuals with high-quality online solar technology training. Many companies send their employers to this institution for advanced continuing education training.

Solar Energy International often partners with the Electrical JTAC of Southern Nevada for Las Vegas and Nevada students to provide what they refer to as “the most advanced training offered in the industry.”

These courses are taught by some of the most experienced instructors still working in the solar industry. While some courses are available for aspiring solar technicians, most are designed for those with little experience in the field.

3. Solairgen

Lastly, aspiring solar technicians in Las Vegas who desire a formal training program may opt for another high-quality online program in Solairgen. The school is notable for its flexible online courses that give students the fundamental training they need to succeed in the field and the opportunity to become certified.

For instance, those who complete the school’s 20-hour solar PV design and installation class automatically qualify to sit for the NABCEP Associate Installer Credential Certification Exam.

The school also offers a hands-on training option for those who would be okay with visiting the campus.