Solar Technician Schools in Chicago

Aspiring solar technicians in Chicago, Illinois, need extensive training to begin their careers correctly. They also need to cultivate additional skills such as interpersonal, communication, and problem-solving skills.

Of course, even though all of this can be challenging for some, it is worth mentioning that everything becomes worth it in the end, thanks to the field’s prestige, growing salary, and the opportunity for career advancement that the area offers, among others.

To help aspiring solar technicians in Chicago get started on the right path, we have provided below a list of the best training programs in and around the area to consider.

How to Become a Solar Technician in Chicago

Individuals must have a high school diploma or GED to start a career as a solar technician in Chicago. While this is technically enough to secure employment, it is advisable for candidates to pursue higher education to give themselves the best chances of a successful career.

To acquire such training, candidates often attend formal academic programs at colleges and trade schools or apprenticeship programs organized by unions, employers, and systems manufacturers.

Lastly, solar technicians in Chicago must also ensure that they comply with licensing requirements, usually following the guidelines set by the Illinois Commerce Commission.

Top Solar Technician Schools in Chicago, Illinois

The following are some of the top solar technician schools in Chicago, Illinois, for interested individuals to consider.

Illinois State University

Illinois State University offers a bachelor of science degree in renewable energy for aspiring solar technicians in the area. The program is quite broad, focusing on several sustainable and renewable energy areas, including wind, biofuels, and solar energy.

Because candidates will be given the skills they will need to thrive in any area of renewable energy, participants may go on to work in various solar specializations, including securing a job as solar technicians.

Additionally, candidates have a straightforward route to continue to scale their careers by securing positions as development managers, project engineers, project specialists, and project managers.

Western Illinois University

Aspiring solar technicians in Chicago may also consider the interdisciplinary major offered by Western Illinois University. This program is geared towards everything green energy and environmental sustainability, allowing students to learn about solar photovoltaic systems.

The program is known to be very thorough and boasts modern facilities where students can get inspired and practice what they are being taught.

Lincoln Land Community College

Lincoln Land Community College offers solar photovoltaic training for future solar technicians in the area. This program occurs primarily online and can be completed within 3 - 5 months.

Thanks to the need for hands-on training to consolidate online classes, the program makes provisions for students to receive such training through an 8-hour laboratory session on the school’s main campus.

Among other things, participants will learn how photovoltaic systems work and be able to compare different types of scenarios while identifying key components. The school also offers a site assessor

training course for those who would like to perform photovoltaic site assessments.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

Midwest Renewable Energy Association

Midwest Renewable Energy Association offers a top-class solar training program accredited by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC). This program also meets the standards set by the North American Board of Certified Energy Professionals (NABCEP).

Candidates can receive training fitting their skill levels, meaning that the program is perfect for fresh candidates just starting in the field or practicing technicians who wish to consolidate their knowledge and acquire more skills.

The association even has a training level for participants who may enroll just to learn how to install solar photovoltaic systems for personal use.

Solar Energy International

Solar Energy International offers an introductory online program to renewable energy that teaches future solar technicians the basic concepts of renewable energy technologies. Candidates must obtain a 70% score or above to officially pass the course, after which they can then seek employment or further consolidate their knowledge.

The school also offers a Fundamental Mathematics for Solar Application course.

Everblue Training

Everblue Training is an accredited national training provider offering high-quality solar training and certifications. Future solar technicians in Chicago may enroll in this program to acquire relevant skills in various areas.

The school offers a Solar Photovoltaic Installer and a Solar Photovoltaic Design program that suits solar enthusiasts. The Photovoltaic Installer program teaches the installation of solar panels, the balancing of components, and how to work with charge controllers, inverters, and power banks.

The school also offers a live training course to help participants practice what they have learned in a two-day live session.

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