Solar Technicians Schools in Jacksonville

As a solar technician in Jacksonville, Florida, your job will include installing and repairing solar energy components, but it will not be limited to these duties alone. Along with understanding proper configuration and arrangement, a solar technician must be familiar with the laws and regulations of particular counties and municipalities concerning what they can and cannot do.

Obtaining all of this knowledge requires spending a significant amount of time in a training program. Below, we take a look at some of the options available in this regard for aspiring solar technicians in Jacksonville.

We also look at the most prominent training programs in and around the city.

How to Become a Solar Technician in Jacksonville

Solar technicians must obtain licenses from the Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB) ** ** in Jacksonville and Florida. The Board specifies that candidates must have graduated from a training program or acquired enough work experience from an apprenticeship or other on-the-job training before being licensed.

These training avenues also ask that those looking for admission must be high school graduates with a diploma or GED equivalent in place of a certificate.

Among some of the certification options for solar technicians in Jacksonville are the credentials offered by the Electronics Technicians Association (ETA) and the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP).

Top Solar Technician Schools in Jacksonville, Florida

Now that we’ve highlighted the broad steps in becoming a solar technician in Jacksonville, here are some of the most notable training programs to consider.

1. Florida Solar Energy Apprenticeship Program

The Florida Solar Energy Apprenticeship Program was designed to help ensure that the state continues to meet its growing demand for qualified solar energy technicians.

One of the highlights of this apprenticeship program is that graduates have an easier path to becoming certified by the state. The program is registered with the US Department of Labor and has been approved by the Florida Department of Education since February 2022.

Students will train for 4,000 hours on the job and 296 hours in the classroom and online. Topics will include workplace safety, solar energy introduction, fundamentals of solar thermal, solar system designs, thermal and electric solar installation systems, layout, operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

To ensure they’re ready for the business side of the profession, students are also taught about business development, solar sales, and customer service.

2. Florida International Training Institute

At the Florida International Training Institute, interested individuals can train to become highly qualified solar technicians by enrolling in the institute’s Photovoltaic Design and Installation course.

According to the program website, this course was designed to provide the knowledge and skills needed to become a photovoltaic expert through the credential issued by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners.

Classes are held in the morning, afternoon, and on the weekends. The program also boasts experienced and certified instructors who have worked extensively in the fields that they teach.

3. Indian River State College

Located in Fort Pierce, Florida, Indian River State College trains aspiring solar technology through an Electronics Engineering Technology degree program that incorporates many instructions on solar energy systems.

Students graduate with an associate degree by completing 68 credits of courses such as electronic devices, troubleshooting and repair techniques, AC and DC circuits, solar thermal systems, and more.

Along with an associate’s degree, students also have the option to pick up additional certificates along the way, such as the solar energy technical certificate, which is a subset of the 12-credit coursework included in the program.

Indian River State College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

4. SolAirGen School of Solar Technology

SolAirGen provides an online training alternative for aspiring solar technicians that can rival most on-campus training nationwide. The program is accredited, and even though most of the training is online, it still reserves a few days for hands-on laboratory training in workshops. Additionally, students can sign up for the NABCEP associate installer credentials certification after completing the school’s online design and installation class.

Those who wish to specialize in only a handful of fields can take individual courses with varying completion times.

SolAirGen is accredited by the IREC and approved by NABCEP.